Familiar Faces | OUAT

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~Regina Mills~

Reader's pov
I'm walking through the streets of downtown Storybrooke when I suddenly have the urge to pee. To be honest it wasn't sudden I've been needing to go for a while. I just really have been enjoying the scenery so much. I don't typically have the time to just take a leisure stroll and be in nature.

However, I can't fight it any longer so I head into granny's diner to take a quick bathroom break. It's pretty dead for a Sunday, I can't imagine where everyone is. "Hey granny" I say as I pass her, "hi dear" she says waving at me. I smile and head back to the bathrooms in a hurry. I go straight to the stall and do my business.

I flush the toilet and exit the stall going over to the row of sinks to wash my hands. I pull up my sleeves and just as I'm about to turn on the water I hear a sniffle. I wait a few seconds but don't hear anything more. "Hello?" I say curiously as I look for feet but I see nothing. I might actually be going insane, I think as I turn back to the sink.

I turn onto he faucet and wash my hands, drying them and going to open the door with the paper towel. An idea suddenly crosses my mind and I shrug but go through with it. I open the door but stay inside the bathroom, I let it close on it's own and hold my breath for a moment. After a few seconds I hear a muffled sob and my eyebrows furrow.

I look under the stalls again and see a pair of feet. Black red bottoms? The only person I know that wears that specific shoe is... it can't be. I tip toe over to the stall and knock lightly in the door. The crying stops immediately and it's silent for a while. "Are you ok?" I ask, I know that's the question that can start the waterworks all over again.

I don't want her crying but I don't want her trying to convince me she's ok either. "I'm fine" she says in a surprisingly stable tone but then again this is Regina we're talking about. "I know you're not 'fine' Ms.Mills. Open the door" I say softly. I can practically hear her roll her yes at my statement.

"Go away y/n" she says harshly, "I'm not just leaving you here like this" I say standing my ground. "You know I won't hesitate to kill you" she reminds me and I scoff. "Just trust someone for once, I won't hurt you. I promise" I tell her. "That's what they all say" she mumbles under her breath. "If you don't open the door I'll find a way to get in there" I warn her.

"Leave now. You have no choice but to listen to your mayor" she threatens. "I have rights, Regina" I tell her, it falls silent in the bathroom. No one ever calls her by her first name unless they're close to her. It was my last resort to get her to open the door. The door flies open almost hitting me in the face but I was quick enough ti miss it.

"What did you just call me?" She asks angrily, it's worked too well. Before she can say anything else I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly. "Let me go" she says trying to pry my arms off her. "Relax" I whisper in her ear and she simply stops resisting. "Y/n..." she says softly, "I know" I say stroking her hair. She starts crying as if she never stopped and holds onto me for dear life.

All she needed was someone to hold her, we all do sometimes. She's no different, even if she appears to be so strong all the time. It's the strongest ones that just need a hug or reassurance. Being tough all the time doesn't mean we don't feel things, that we don't hurt. "It's ok..." I tell her as she tries to get ahold of herself, her staggered breaths echoing in the room.

Once I've finally managed to calm her down she pulls away. I bring my hands to her cheeks and delicately wipe away her tears. She stares into my eyes tiredly, I can tell it took a lot for her to do that. I can see the years of exhaustion in her eyes from trying to hold it all together. "Thank you" she says shakily, it breaks me and I can't hold it anymore.

"Regina... I have something to tell you" I say quietly as I caress her cheeks. She furrows her eyebrows in confusion and narrows her eyes. Her walls slowly going up again. I remove my hands firm her and intertwine my fingers in front of me. "If you tell anyone I swear I will have your head" she promises.

There she goes. "I would never do that to you" I reassure her and I see her relax. "I think it might be better if I just show you" I tell her and she looks at me even more perplexed than before. I walk closer and take her hands in mine, rubbing her knuckles softly. "Trust me" I whisper to her like an incantation and she just nods.

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