Play pretend | the fall

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Stella Gibson

I'm sitting at the bar, swirling my drink around in my glass as I glance around. My eyes catch on to someone walking in my direction and I stop. My eyes widening slightly as I recognize my ex-girlfriend. Coincidentally, the bartender slides me a refill and I smile quickly. I take it, acting as though I was only sat to retrieve it.

My eyes search the room until they land upon a woman sitting alone. I make my way over, trying not to seem too eager. I sit next to her and she slowly turns her head to look at me; a blank expression plastered on her face. I didn't get a good look at her before but, holy mother of god. She's stunning!

Her blonde hair cascades over her shoulders, her blue eyes pulling me in like tides. I shake my head and realize I need to explain or at the very least introduce myself. "Hi, I'm y/n. Sorry to just intrude but I saw someone and I didn't wanna be alone" I ramble and she just continues staring at me.

"Y/n? I thought that was you" I look up and see my ex standing in front of me, well us. She smirks widely and stares directly into my eyes. "Candice... what a wonderful surprise" I sigh sarcastically, "how've you been?" she asks with a teasing lilt to her voice. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and turn to the stranger.

I honestly forgot she was there for a second, so I'm a bit startled but try to hide it. "Baby, who's this?" she mutters, staring deep into my eyes. Out the corner of my eye I see Candice glance between the two of us skeptically. "Umm... this is Candice, my ex" I mumble feeling a little lightheaded but in a good way. It's like I'm being hypnotized by her gaze.

"Mm" the woman hums, turning to face my ex and sizing her up. "Well aren't you going to introduce me to your... friend, y/n?" the brunette quips, "she knows me and I have no clue who she is" she adds with a scoff. "I'm very capable of speaking for myself, thank you. Stella, y/n's girlfriend" Stella states defensively.

"Girlfriend, huh? Didn't know you met someone" Candice hums, "because it's none of your business" I voice. "Oh kitten, come on... don't be like that" she pouts mockingly, leaning down on the table. "Really, and truly, you should fuck off... now" Stella warns, "or what?" the brunette taunts and I'm afraid of where this is going.

Candice is quite scary when she wants to be, it's one of the reasons we broke up. She's just too unpredictable and often flies off the handle for no apparent reason. "It would be in your best interest to walk away, Candi" Stella says, effectively antagonizing her even more. "You're just gonna let this whore talk to like this, y/n?" Candice growls, her attention turning to me.

I shrink a bit in my seat and open my mouth to say something but can't find the words. "One more move and I'll have you arrested for unwarranted verbal assault" Stella challenges, "you can't. My father is the chief of police" Candice smirks. It falls silent between us three and, for a second, I think Stella is beat.

Then, out of nowhere, she starts chuckling and I turn to her with a confused look. She pats my thigh, flashing me a reassuring smile, before standing up. "Oh, darling. That poor bastard is your father? I'm so sorry. It must be tough having such an incompetent, whiny, excuse for a man as your dad" she pouts mockingly.

"You fucking-" "careful. That man you regard so highly? I have him wrapped around my finger... he would kill for me if I asked him to. So arresting you? That's nothing. Now, I'm willing to let this off as a little... emotional outburst. I understand your frustration, I mean, letting a..." she turns to check me out and smiles softly.

"Letting such a precious, good woman go? I'd be a little upset too. But you can still leave here with whatever remnants of dignity you have left and, of course, your freedom too" the blonde voices, talking to Candice as if she were a child. She walks back over and sits next to me, placing her arm around my shoulder.

Candice stands there, speechless, staring at us. Unexpectedly, Stella takes me chin in her hand and turns me to face her. Gazing into my eyes for a moment before her focus drops to my lips. I lean forward a bit to let her know it's ok and she connects our lips. Her hand caresses my cheek and she gently bites my bottom lip as she pulls away.

I stare at her in shock, not even paying mind to the sound of heels clicking away. We're locked in an intense stare for at least a minute or so before either of us move. She uses her thumb to wipe my lip and then completely pulls away. I watch as she daintily picks up her glass, taking a sip and returning it to rest on the table.

"T-thank you" I stutter, "mm. No need, love. Best kiss I've had in a while" she smirks. I giggle nervously and pick up my drink, taking an unceremonious gulp. "Why'd you break up? Rather, why were you even with her in the first place? She's a cunt" she states bluntly, "she wasn't always cruel. She's rather sweet sometimes" I mumble.

"But..." she prompts, "but... well, you know what they say: when it's good it's great, when it's bad... it's awful" I answer. "You know, I was happy to... assist. Though I feel I'm owed some repayment for my duty" she smirks, relieving me from going any deeper. "Such as?" I ask hesitantly, "how about we have a little chat, hm? I'll buy you a drink... we'll talk... and see where that leads" she suggests.

"Oh, so you're taking pity on me now? Sad girl with a mean ex... you have kink for justice or something?" I tease her, "maybe I do—I mean, I have a lot of kinks, hard to keep track" she whispers. "One drink" I agree softly as I stare at her lips, her tongue darting across them. "Sure... just one" she taunts, waving her hand for a waiter.

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