Sidewalks | the proposal

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~Margaret Tate~

Margaret was, as usual, in her 4 1/2 inch Louboutin red bottom heels. She had expressly told me she needed to come to coffee shop with me. Since I couldn't get her coffee order correct 'for the life of me' apparently. She had never once complained about her coffee to me so I was perplexed.

Yet I went along with it because she is my boss after all. Suddenly she put her phone away and turned to me while we were walking. I looked back to her and she was just staring at me. "What?" I tried to ask as politely as possible but it's rude to stare come on!

She didn't even respond she just continued to stare at me like she wanted to say something. Before I could even say anything about it I saw someone coming out my peripheral view. Margaret clearly didn't see them, she was too... distracted.

The person was looking down at their phone and they were on a direct path to each other. I guess that's New York life, no one is ever really paying attention. Just before they bump into each other I pull Margaret into me so she's out the way.

The person continued walking, oblivious to the fact they almost ran into her. I sighed in relief that I loved her in time because the person also had a hot coffee. I looked down at her and she was staring up at me with a look I'd never seen. Before I could even process what was happening her lips connected with mine.

I was shocked to say the least but I kissed her back, why? Because she's Margaret Tate, she's hot and she just kissed ME! We pulled away for air and she continued walking towards the coffee shop like nothing happened.

I quickly jogged to catch up with her and we walked the rest of the way in silence. When we finally got to the coffee shop I held the door open for her to which she nodded. Which I took as her versions of 'thank you' and entered the cafe. We waited in the line for the other customers and then we were finally at the front.

"Hey y/n" the barista said and I waved, "hey Alex" I replied. "I was wondering if you were gonna come in today. I had your order ready, I poured it out cause it got cold but I'll make you new ones" she said writing it down. "Did you want anything else?" She asked cheerily and I looked at Margaret.

She had this glare in her eyes and a look of disgust on her face. I shook that away and responded the barista saying no. She nodded and we went over to the waiting area until our order was ready. "So that's Alex" she said flatly and I look at her confused.

"From the cup..." she said and then it hit me, Alex had written her number on my cup of coffee. I had spilled Margaret's so I had to give her mine and she say the number written on it. I never actually got her number because Margaret threw the cup away.

Was she jealous? "Yeah" I replied simply to see what she would say or do. She hummed in response and went back on her phone. When our order was ready we both got up to get our drinks. All of a sudden she pulled me in for a passionate kiss, holding me by my shirt.

Then she pulled away said thank you to the barista and started walking out. I look back to Alex who looked just as dumbfounded as me. Then I trailed after Margaret like a lost puppy, finally catching up. "What was that?" I said turning her around my her shoulder.

She took my chin in her hand and pointed my eyes directly at hers. "You're mine now. Not Alex's. Not anyone else... MINE. Understand?" She asked rhetorically and I nodded. "Good" she said simply and turned around, strutting back toward the office and I followed in awe.

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