I close my eyes and envision all the times we spent together. I allow my energy to be transferred to her. I hear her gasp quietly as she feels the rush of my energy colliding with hers. Pictures of us running through a field with goofy grins on our faces flash before my eyes.

Me giving her a piggy back ride after she complained that her dress was getting dirty. Riding on the backs of horses through the woods as her long back hair blows in the wind. Watching her from the back of the crowd as she sits on a throne. All our happy memories, until that one fateful day...

"Please y/n don't do this" she begs, "I have to, my love" I say with tears streaming down my face. "You can't! I-I'll... I'll send a bounty hunter" she threatens as she tries to hold back her tears. "We both know you won't do that" I say putting my hands to her cheeks.

"I can't lose you, y/n/n" she says looking into my eyes begging me not to leave her. "If I had a choice I wouldn't, you know that" I whisper. "You do have choice! You always have a choice, everyone does! Why are you doing this to me?!" She screams at me trying to get out my arms, I pull her in and hold her until she stops squirming.

"Baby..." she whispers in my ear holding onto my so tightly I almost can't breathe. "I know" I say stroking her hair. "I want what's best for you and I'll always be here in your heart. It's best if I go... you can't be all you can be with me holding you back" I explain. "You're not holding me back, you're holding me together" she says pulling away and I let her.

"You may not understand this now... but I'm doing what I know... is right for you" I say wiping my tears and pulling it together. "I just don't-" I put my hands to her temples and perform the spell causing her to freeze. It take a few minutes for her to come back and I just watch her. My tears come again, more rapidly and even more frequently.

I can barely hold myself up anymore as my legs shake from the weight of my misery. I see her blink a few times through my teary vision. Her eyes immediately land on me as I'm the only thing directly in front of her. The spark she used to have when she looked at me was gone, so I know it worked.

"Who are you? Where am I?" She asks looking at me intensely before looking around. I take a deep breath to compose myself and I stand up straight. Ignoring every signal my body is sending me making me want to fall to my knees. "No one of importance. Your kingdom is that way miss" I say curtsying.

Before any other words can be exchanged I walk away. I turn back around to see her walking in the opposite direction towards the palace. "May we meet again, my love" I whisper to myself before walking into the forest.

*end of flashback*

I open my eyes successfully breaking the bond between our minds. It takes her a second to pull herself away, once she does her eyes fly open. "Y/n?" She asks as her bottom lip tremble, "it's me, Gina" I say with a soft smile. "Why the fuck would you leave me?" She asks, the anger she didn't get to let put coming back again.

She pushes me harshly until I'm pinned against the wall. "Fuck you" she says breathing heavily as tears fill her eyes. "I left so you could fulfill your dreams. You have no idea how much my heart shattered each day being away from you. Seeing you become the one thing I never wanted for you. Not being able to step in..." I sigh.

"You could've! You had a choice!" She yells at me, "everything ok in there?" I hear granny's soft voice speak through the door. "Everything is fine" Regina says not taking her eyes off me. A cloud of purple smoke surrounds us and once it dissipates we find ourselves in her house. "I didn't... you would've stayed for me. You needed to follow the path that was meant for you" I tell her.

"We never would've stayed a part longer than we needed to. I knew we'd find each other again, I just had to let destiny take its course. I knew you wouldn't understand, you wouldn't have wanted to think about it. So I had no choice but to wipe your memory of me and leave the realm. I wandered around for years. The thought of you, the feelings... never leaving my mind. Please believe when I say I'm sorry... but i had to" I say reaching to touch her cheek.

"Did he put you up to this?" She asks angrily, I know exactly who she means. The dark lord, well rumplestiltskin, better known as Mr. Gold now. "No. I did it on my own, not under the order of him or your father... or anyone else for that matter" I tell her calmly. "For fucks sake" she says pulling away and running her hands through her hair.

"Today would be our anniversary..." I say as tears drop down my cheeks. "What?" She says glancing up at me, her eyes darting between mine. "September 24th" I tell her knowing she doesn't remember. I left the feeling without images hoping to bring her comfort until we would be reunited. "Our anniversary?" She asks confused, "yes. I left the feeling of the memories so you'd have a piece of me until I came back" I say softly.

"Y/n... I- is that the reason I'm always crying?" She asks me and I look at her funnily, now I'm confused. "Every year on this day. Every single fucking year I bawl my eyes out. Without any apparent reason I just break down and cry. My heart aches to the point where I had to stop working. I would just lay in my bed all day and then I'd wake up fine" she recalls.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen" I say looking at the floor. "But- it's gone..." she says walking over to me. I look up at her and meet her eyes that are gazing at me lovingly. The same sparkle she had back then bursting into life. "You were my missing piece" she whispers putting her hands on my cheeks.

"I never stopped loving you, you know? You'll always be my forever, Gina" I confess. "I always loved you too, even if I didn't remember" she replies. I bite my lip gently and smile at her as she carefully rubs her thumbs over my cheekbones. "I was always yours to have, and you were always mine. We will love each other in and out of time" she says before kissing me passionately.

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