"Welcome to the family son!" Richard said happily as he reached for Rory. "Rory, we are so thrilled for you! Congratulations Sweetheart!"

"Congratulations you guys. Wonderful news!" Luke said hugging Rory.

"Is that the same ring?" Lorelai asked.

"It is. I thought about getting rid of it several times, and getting anew one, but I just couldn't. It was always meant to be Rory's." Logan told them.

"But then he gave me this too." Rory said holding out her other hand.

"It was my grandmother's. Before she passed, she told me to give it to my bride someday."

"Oh Logan, that is exquisite!" Emily gushed looking at the second ring.

"I think it may have first belonged to my great grandmother. When my Dad is feeling better, I'll ask him for the full story behind the ring. And I told him at that point, I'll let mom throw a party. I'm sorry Emily, but we just can't have a party while my Dad is recovering from major surgery. I know that is something that you really love to do, and would normally jump on it right away."

"No Logan, I totally understand. Your father's health is way more important than a party. We will celebrate as a family, but I will definitely help your Mother with a big engagement party later on."

"Also, you four are the very first people to know. We haven't even told Logan's family yet." Rory told them.

"Dad knew I was going to ask her tonight. I told him when I asked for the ring, while we were at the hospital. I actually hadn't planned to ask Rory so soon since we just got back together pretty recently. But after everything that has happened in the last 24 hours, it just made sense." Logan said as they all sat back down again. "Which brings us to the rest of the news. And this is A LOT to take in. It's not something that either of us ever even considered a possibility. But things happen, and the opportunity presented itself."

"Sounds ominous." Luke commented.

"That's an understatement." Rory chuckled. "It's not a bad thing by any means, but it's something that no one in this room would have seen coming."

"What's going on?" Richard asked.

"We all know how serious heart attacks are, and what a long road recovery can be." Logan told them. "Being a doctor myself, I am taking a special interest in my Dad's recovery. We all know how hard he works, and how stressful that job can be. My Dad won't be going back to work for several months. My personal preference would be at least 6 months. Which in the newspaper business is several lifetimes. Now we all know that it was always my family's dynastic plan, for me to take over HPG when my Dad eventually retires. However, we also know that I don't want it! I left that life about ten years ago. It isn't at all the life that I want. I left, and I went to medical school. And now I have an amazing life that I love. I have been working at Columbia Presbyterian for the last 4 years, and I help so many people, every single day. My job means so much to me, and I have no intention to ever give it up. But now that my dad is out of commission, and as fortunate or unfortunate as it is, I am still the heir to the Huntzberger dynasty, and it unfortunately falls on me to figure out a game plan."

A Different Kind Of Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें