Simone says "Nova wait!"

I say "I'm sorry Sim."

I walk out the door and slam it shut behind myself. Thankfully, the streets were deserted.

Where can I go now?

I have nowhere to go. I can't even go see any of my friends, because it'd put them in danger. And they all probably saw the alert on the television.

I speed up the wind, so it carries me slowly. I fly down the sidewalks, not exactly sure where I was going.

I have to get out of here. I need to get away from this place.

I took a deep breath, and suddenly a door opened. I jumped and turned towards it, my palms filling with fire.

Finn was standing in the doorway, and I realize I'm right in front of his house.

He says "Nova?"

I slowly start flying backwards.

He says "no, Nova. Don't go. I won't turn you in. No one else is home, no one's going to turn you in. Come inside."

I slowly lower myself to the ground and put out the fire that was burning in my palms.

I walk over to him.

He says "don't be scared, you know I'm not gonna turn you in."

I say "I don't know if I can believe you. My own family even tried to turn me in."

He says "Nova, I promise, you can trust me."

I slowly walk inside. He shuts the door behind me.

He says "what are you doing here? Why is the Government calling you dangerous? What the hell is happening?"

I say "well first, I got taken this morning. I was thrown into a dungeon for a few hours, then they brought me out to be burned, which was where I found my powers."

He says "you found them?!"

I nod and say "there's three of them. Telekinesis, Chronokinesis, and Atmoskinesis."

He says "wait, Atmoskinesis? Controlling the elements?"

I nod and say "yeah, that's the one."

He says "and telekinesis?"

I nod and say "and Chronokinesis."

He says "so you can move anything you want with your mind, slow down or speed up time, and control the elements?"

I nod and say "I'm kind of dangerous."

He says "so what're you gonna do?"

I sigh and say "I'll probably run away. Leave the area, I don't think I can ever come back."

He sighs and says "okay, let's go."

I say "Finn, you're not coming with me."

He says "you shouldn't have to do this alone."

I say "and yet I can't ask you to go with me. Anyone found being associated with me is gonna be killed."

He says "I don't care, I can't let you go alone."

I say "Finn, I can-"

He says "if you're leaving I'm going with you."

I say "no. I don't want you to."

He says "I'm your best friend. Please, take me with you."

I sigh and say "Finn, I can't. I'm sorry. If you got hurt because you were associated with me, I'd never forgive myself."

Left for Dead (book 1 in the Super Nova series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora