"If you don't feel comfortable doing it I can do it and show you." He looks over his shoulder at him.

Wangji shakes his head "No I need to learn to do this, I want to know things like this and how to deal with them. You keep doing what you are doing and I will handle this."

Wuxi grins nodding "Alright I will let you handle it, just hand them to me when they are ready."

Wangji undresses AYuan first having heard about ATian's penchant for peeing on everyone, he stands there as if he has done this a million times and lets Wangji awkwardly undress him. He glances at a grinning Wuxi "They are so small, I'm scared I will hurt them if I'm too rough taking their clothes off."

He nods "I understand but trust me you won't hurt them, they are pretty helpful with raising arms and stepping out of clothes to make it easier. Just tell them what you want them to do and they will do it."

Wangji looks at AYuan "Raise your arms up so I can take off your shirt son." He obediently raises his arms and Wangji is able to take his shirt off of him.

He looks at Wuxi who is nodding encouragingly, he turns back and pulls his pants down "Step out." AYuan steps out of one pant leg then the other and Wangji smiles in triumph.

He takes off his diaper and hands him to Wuxi who puts him in the bathtub and gives him some of his bath toys to play with as he monitors Wangji trying to undress ATian, this time it goes smoother and he almost successfully gets him completely naked without any mishaps but ATian is a pro and got his shirt sleeve before he could get him covered back up with the diaper.

Wuxi chuckles "I told you, you have to be quick with this kid, if not he will get you every time."

Wangji laughs "He got me for sure, I need to go change my shirt."

Wuxi nods "Before you do here touch the water so that you can feel the temp so you know how warm to make the water when you bathe them. They can at times be messy eaters and will need a second bath especially ATian who likes to put his hands in his hair after smashing food between his fingers."

Wangji leans down and touches the water, it's just a little hotter than lukewarm. Wuxi shows him a toy that's floating in the water he picks it up "This is a floating thermometer for their bath water which needs to be right around body temp or just a bit higher. No more than one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or thirty-eight degrees Celsius. This sticks to the tiles on the wall so that is where we keep it and you can just grab it and throw it into the water when you start it, it will help you keep the temp where it needs to be."

Wangji huffs a laugh "Wow there is so much to learn, I am so impressed by you as I learn more and more of what it takes to take care of these babies. Thank you for helping me learn and if there is anything I can read or search for on the internet to help me learn how to take care of them please tell me so that I can be a good parent to them."

Wuxi smiles at him "The very first thing you need to learn is that it's okay to make mistakes, you won't be perfect at this, no one is. As long as you love them and you do your best to take care of them that's all that matters. As you spend time with us you will learn, don't worry Daddy you have help, you aren't alone and you can ask me anything and I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions you have about raising our children. Now go change your shirt and come back before they get restless and start drenching the bathroom."

Wangji leaves and Wuxi chuckles as he washes the babies hair and bodies, quickly and efficiently. By the time Wangji walks back into the bathroom he is almost done cleaning the kids. He looks over his shoulder as he walks back in "Roll up your sleeves and come here, you are going to take over bath duty so that I can dry and dress them. I would let you do it but a wet, naked, squirming toddler can be difficult to keep a hold of and since you have never done bath time with them it might be best if I do it and you observe so you can get familiar with the steps."

He nods and they change spots, he kneels down by the tub and watches his sons play in the water with their toys. They look so adorable all wet with their long lashes spiked with water. Wuxi grabs the towel off of the vanity "Ok hand me a kid and let's get them out of the bath."

Wangji grabs ATian and sure enough, he is a bit hard to hold when wet even though he is a good boy and doesn't wiggle around as Wangji passes him off to Wuxi. He watches as he takes the toddler and dries him with the towel, rubs his head to help dry his hair then watches him lay out the towel on the floor. He lays ATian down on the towel and watches him put a diaper on him then put his pants on, then his socks. He stands him up and puts his shirt on over his head then puts one arm in then the other and pulls the hem of the shirt down over his little tummy. He takes out a baby brush, brushes his hair and smiles as he kisses him "There, all done, go play in your room while we get de ge out of the tub ATian." He giggles as he runs off to his room.

Wangji is wide-eyed "Wow that was super impressive, you did all of that like a pro."

Wuxi smirks at him "I have been doing it since they were born, I am a pro but you will be too soon. Do you want to try to do that on with AYuan?"

He nods smiling "I would love to but don't go anywhere in case I need help."

Wuxi laughs "I promise I will stay right by your side the whole time" he grabs a fresh towel and starts to unfold it.

Wangji unplugs the tub drain, takes AYuan out of the tub and puts him into Wuxi's towel-covered arms. He then hands the baby to Wangji and slowly he does the same thing he saw Wuxi do. He is more clumsy and slow at it but he does all of it with a soft smile on his face, enjoying every second of learning how to do this for his children. He finally looks at Wuxi with a happy smile on his face declaring "There I did it, how did I do?"

Wuxi grins at him "You did great, you should be proud of yourself." Unable to control himself he leans down and kisses Wangji on the forehead.

Wangji's eyes go wide and then he smiles like a fool causing Wuxi to laugh "Come on let's get our children fed before they become demons. You can help feed AYuan and I'll take little mister mess, you have to control his hands while he eats or he will get a handful mush it between his fingers and put it in his hair which will cause him to need another bath."

Wangji laughs as they each grab a baby and take them to the kitchen, he watches Wuxi put ATian in his highchair then does the same with AYuan. They put bibs on them to keep them clean and then walk over to the counter. Wuxi grabs a container with cereal in it and a carton of juice from the fridge.

"Here give them this small cup of dry cereal to eat and a sippy cup of juice while we fix their breakfast. We rotate what we give them each day so they aren't eating the same thing over and over. Today we are doing egg congee with sliced fruit, since AYuan won't eat eggs unless they are mixed into something else we came up with this and all of them seem to like it." He looks over his shoulder as he grabs the ingredients they will need.

Wangji nods "I know how to make congee, how do you add the egg in?" he says as he pours two sippy cups of juice and puts the lids on then gives them to the babies.

Wuxi hums "Mn, you just make the congee like normal then beat the eggs and when the congee is done you pour the eggs over the top turn off the heat and let the egg cook. When it's done just mix it up and then spoon it out and give it to them. It's really simple."

Wangji smiles "Ah I see, so he will eat eggs like this without any problem?"

Wuxi shrugs "Yep, as long as it's not just an egg in solid form he will eat it. He likes egg drop soup but won't eat scrambled eggs or a quiche but if you mix some veggies into the quiche he will eat it."

He nods "I get it, that makes sense."

Wuxi pats his shoulder "So do you want to slice the fruit or make the congee?"

Wangji grins "I want to make the congee for them, I don't know why but I feel the need to see them eat food made by my hands. Sounds weird huh?"

Wuxi shakes his head "Not at all, it's the parenting instinct to take care of your children, you want to see their bodies being nourished by something that you made them. I felt the same when they were born and I would feed them, that will mostly go away when you feed them all the time but there will always be that tiny feeling no matter how long it's been." 

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