The Invitation

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Hi guys!! This is a short story I wrote for my English assignment, but I really liked it so I decided to put it on wattpad for anyone who wants to read it; if you are on here already reading this then thank you so much for clicking on this story, hopefully you don't hate it XD. Pls pls pls tap that little star, I get so excited every time someone does!! But without further ado, continue on to the story -Emmi


Terror tore through me, freezing me to the spot.

Shock. Terror. Pain.

The wheels left the ground, and time froze. I could hear the terrible silence, feel the awful weightlessness as I hung in the air.

Then I plunged, down, down, down.

The windows were closed, the doors locked; yet how long would it take for the water to find it's way in? To creep into my safe bubbly and swallow me.

I couldn't think. I couldn't breath.

Pain erupted in my shoulder as I smashed into the wheel.

Was this the day I died?

No. It couldn't be. It couldn't. Suddenly I could think.

"No!" I screamed. I screamed and pounded on the window, tore at the door handle. It was locked. Suddenly the doors and walls of the car were no longer a barrier between me and a watery death, but between me and freedom.

"Help! Help!"

But no one could hear me. It was the middle of the night; no one knew where I was. No one could help me. No one would save me.

"Please." a desperate sob.

And now the water was in the car.

Trickling over my feet, toying with me. Slowly. I would drown slowly. Another sob racked my body and I felt a sense of desperate wretchedness.

I was going to die here, tonight. That was obvious. What brought the tears running down my cheeks was not the pain of dying; it was the pain of knowing that my last words to my beautiful, flawed family, had been of hate. Things I never meant to say. Things I would never get the chance to take back.

I stopped struggling: there was no point.

Dully I felt the throb in my shoulder, but I didn't care.

Pain didn't matter anymore.

Nothing mattered anymore.

The water was up to my waist now, beckoning to me; inviting me to give up. Inviting me to sit still in the peaceful silence and just let myself go.

I wanted to.

I wanted to.

And then I sat back. Still and calm as the water swirled around my chest. It felt nice to give up.

My eyes turned away from the water, and trained on an orb of light up through the skylight.

I saw the moon. Beautiful. Pale. A small smile touched my lips; it reminded me of my sister.

My sister.

Suddenly my eyes shot open.

My sister.

My beautiful, sweet little sister. So delicate, so pure. The little girl who hung on my every word.

I couldn't leave her. Not now. Not with everything that had happened.

She needed me.

The water was up to my neck, but I was no longer calm and peaceful. No longer content to sit and watch my own death. I would not die.

I would not accept the invitation.

With a roar of effort, I lodged myself against the seat -shoulder burning- and kicked myself upward. Breaking through the glass of the skylight.

Glass shards were everywhere, and the water rushed in to drag me down, but I tore through it, my lungs screaming, and then I was out.

I broke the surface.

I was free.

My mind was still numb, and I don't remember how I got to shore. I only remember lying on the sand.

Staring up at the moon.

I declined the invitation.

I was needed.

I am needed.

I have a long life yet to live. 

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