Chapter 66

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It took us a month to get into a routine. Alexia was playing a lot of football and I was still yet to watch one of our games. It was hard for me to leave the house. Martina required a lot of attention, and I was still recovering from giving birth.

Our teammates visited often, and I had even gone to practice with Martina a few times. The two of us used to sit down and watch the final part of training. Everyone cooed over Martina when she was at training, even Jonathan.

Today, I had decided to go and watch the game. Alba would be joining me, to help with Martina and to offer me a sense of security. Alexia didn't know that I would be watching her game. It was a nice surprise.

I would only arrive as the game started. Martina would be better off to only be there for as short as possible and watching the warmup was a bit unnecessary. I packed her bag full of everything she could possibly need.

Something I was happy about was the fact that she was now on formula. After about a week with her, she refused to eat when I breastfed her and the hospital recommended us to use formula. It meant that I could sleep at night and Alexia could take one of the feedings.

When she had a game, I was the one who fed her. I told her to sleep at Mapí's just so she could sleep and be ready for the game. Those nights were the worst when I had to take care of Martina alone. I could barely sleep, but I didn't want Alexia to worry so I kept it a secret from her.

They were playing Valencia CF at home. I got myself dressed and into my makeup while Martina slept. I threw my hair up in a simple ponytail. After that, Martina woke up and she was hungry. I fed and changed her. After that we were on our way.

Alba drove us there, in my car. Martina was asleep the entire way, and I couldn't wait for her to be at her first football game. It would be her first time experiencing a football game. The game both her moms loved so much, but not more than we loved Martina.

Her small hand was wrapped around my finger, and it made me feel terribly happy. Such a small thing was enough to fill me with such big feelings.

When we arrived, I grabbed her baby carrier from the car's trunk and carefully put her in it. Alba walked next to us; she was carrying the bag I had packed for Martina on her shoulder. I was incredibly grateful for her right now. It was difficult to anything alone with Martina and having her with me made it all so much easier.

We arrived just as the game started. I was happy that I was finally able to watch a game. Martina woke up after half an hour and she was hungry. "I'll take it, watch the game. I know how long you have been waiting" Alba said. I handed her Martina, and she left the stands to find a quieter place.

After almost fifteen minutes they returned. Alba handed me Martina as soon as she returned. "I needed to change her and then I needed to change my own shirt. Thank you for having a spare on in the bag!" Alba said. "Thank you!" I answered. While the halftime break was underway, I walked around with Martina to make her fall asleep.

Alexia had not noticed us yet, but I knew she would do it as soon. I was correct about that. As soon as Alexia walked out for the second half, she noticed us. Soon, the entire team was waving to us. I waved back from the stands.

Martina was asleep during the rest of the game. When the final whistle blew, Alexia was quick to reach us. I handed her Martina, and she cooed over her daughter for a minute. "Want to join me on the pitch?" Alexia asked. I nodded and we started our descent towards the pitch.

Aitana was the first one to reach me, or well more Alexia. "Hello little one!" she said to Martina. "I'm happy that you came" Aitana continued and hugged me. "I miss you on the pitch" she whispered as she held me.

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