How Aru deals with Haters *hairflip*

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"Bro, I think those girls are bothering Aru" Cole said to Aiden, gesturing to the two girls that were talking to Aru at the front porch. They had gone to an end of school party and Aru and Aiden's relationship had started a few months ago.

"Nah, she'll be fine" Aiden said, knowing Aru's capabilities and since she had saved the world at least 4 times, he knew she could handle two girls.

"Whatever you say," Cole said, "Let's get some food i haven't eaten in an hour"

"But you ate five boxes of chicken nuggets in the car ride here."

"Shush I'm a growing boy" he said running towards the cake.

~time skip to 10 mins later~

"See you should check on her."

"No, she'll come in through that door in 3, 2, 1" Aiden said while scrolling through the pictures in his camera, on cue Aru coming inside, dragging the two girls by the hair. One had black hair the other with blonde and both had nosebleeds and bruises. Aru then left them on the floor next to the food table and ran up to Aiden.

"Hiii Wifey" She said with a bright smile that was opposed to the expression on her face when she was with the girls. Cole stood there, shocked. He shook it off in a second or two.

"Dang I bet they won't come near you now" Cole said, giving Aru a high-five, "But seriously, those two have been a pain, they've been trying to get me to date the blonde when i very clearly have a girlfriend."

"Heh, your welcome, now Wifey, onward to the Oreos!" Aru yelled, dragging Aiden along with her by the arm, who just smiled at Cole sheepishly.


Aru is violence incarnate uh huh you can't change my mind

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