a sad rant 😢

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You don't have to read this you can skip it and read the next oneshot or whatever. I just feel the need to say all this stuff. So skip if you want to. Read if you want to ig.

So, the other day I was sitting in my dad's car with 2 other guys, one my age and the other a year older. I carpool with them to school (and not by choice). So, the older one jokingly says to me "You're like Two face from batman". Of course, he meant it as a joke cuz I was completely unhinged when I was 2 inched away from a butterfly while we were walking to the car from school. But then I kind of spiraled after that. I soon forgot about it. But I read this book, and it was really good but one of the characters reminded me of the whole two face thing. Of course, the guy didn't mean any harm, but I tend to change my personality with different people. For example, I'm ruder to my school friends but with my best friend I'm more sincere. So, is that weird? am I messed up? Am I two faced? I don't know but it's been hurting me for a while and I can't just tell my friends at school cuz this one girl, let's call her K, she has a ridiculous amount of drama in her life. Like girl yes, I'm here to support you but can you not bring it up every five minutes. Yes, I listen but whenever I try to lighten up the mood, she says something that makes me feel guilty and well if I were to be absent from school as many times as she's made me feel that way, I'd miss a whole month of school. Like for example i made a little joke about being single and then she looks me dead in the eye and says, "I have been rejected 2 times Sara, it's not funny." I don't hate her or anything, but I can't confront her. One wrong move and I could end up friendless and alone and-well you get the point right. And if I tell my best friend, I can't tell her. She'd, I don't know what she'd do but I'd rather not tell her.(okay I'm in tears right now) So there's my dilemma. Yay. 😢

(If you read this all comment, #sweetpotato Love you guys <3333)


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