Random Aru stuff

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TW: Cussing

Aru: So you want to date my sister

Rudy: *Nods, scared*

Aru: What do you do when she feels sad

Rudy: *proudly* sanitize twice and then take a shower and then hug her.

Aru: Phew You're good

Rudy: *Happy*


*They're doing P.E. at school on the grass*

Aru: What if the field was on fire?

Mini: The field is on what?


Aru: *just woke up* Ugghhhhh coffee

*five mins later*



Aru: Teacher, Poppy's being a bitch.


*it's 3am*

Aru: Do dogs lick us because they know there are bones inside of us?



Rudy: What is this thing called candy

*an hour and 2 buckets of candy later*



Aru: *random lil' dance*

Aru: *walks of normally*


Aru: *on her period* AIDEN

Aiden: *genuinely frightened* Yes Aru?

Aru: Swedish fish, Oreos, and cuddles

Aiden: *runs of to buy the food*

*15 min later*


Aiden: *traumatized and scared for his life*


Did I drink a load of coffee impulsively? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes. Do I care? No.

So how are you guys? Good? Bad? I got locked in my best friend's bedroom when I went over to her house. Her doorknob had broken from the inside and me and my sister were stuck until my dad and my friend's dad opened up the window and got us out. My bestie had the audacity to take pictures. I can't wait to tell my classmates about it, it's one heck of a story. Now shoutouts!

Shout out to @chaiandpages_ , You commented on every single one of my chapters and are very sweet.

Shout out to @HP2THEEND , Thanks for talking to me, you made me feel a lot better about that whole situation. (I might take down the previous chapter)

Shoutout to @book-girl4eva , You're just awesome. Even though you're one of the only people who comment, I appreciate it since comments are always better than the book, as I say.

I'd give out more but I'm too tired. But every single person who's read this book's awesome.


Aru Shah OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now