✯ CHAPTER 22 ✯

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Yn gazed around and saw all the people were indulged in their own talks with a rich clothing which was very different from her's. She saw girls wearing a short crop top and a short skirt. Boys were dressed with a tee and pants along with leather jackets on them

She was the only odd one out and she felt left out in her place. She let Chan drag her along with him to walk around the racing course. The girls were giving her jealous look and she tried to shrug those eyes.

Hyunsuk and Yeonjun were following behind them while talking about random stuff. Soon they reached their usual place where they would talk for sometime before the race start

Yn gazed around and saw some people clearing the track and some were instructing the others. Some boys were flirting with the girls around them or some were just gossiping

Hyunsuk and Yeonjun were indulged in their own talks. Yn noticed that many girls were giving a flirty look towards Chan, she tried to ignore it and gazed at the full moon in the sky. Chan was lost while observing his girlfriend. He couldn't take his eyes off her

When the world was staring at him, he was staring at his world. Yn gazed at him and gave him a gentle smile. She saw the people were getting the track ready and some were checking on their bike engines.
She saw a guard from Chan's house was checking for any faults in the bike

Soon they heard an announcement that the race would start. Yeonjun and Hyunsuk excused themselves for a minute and Chan turned his attention towards Yn. He pulled her towards himself and snaked his arms around her waist

He pulled her closer and smashed his lips with her's. Her cheeks turned pink as she heard the loud cheering noise around her. She tried to push Chan due to embarrassment but he held her still and kissed her gently
After a minute he broke the kiss and stared at her lovingly

She gave him a small smile "Be with Hyunsuk and Yeonjun okay? And baby watch me win" he said while caressing her cheeks and she nodded her head. Yeonjun and Hyunsuk came with a teasing smirk and Chan just rolled his eyes.
Soon Yeonjun and Hyunsuk stood at the bleachers along with Yn

The boys got ready at the starting line and put on their helmets on their heads. Chan wore his black helmet and turned towards her. He gave a flying kiss to her making her smile. Soon they came into position and waited for a gun shot

After they heard the sound of the gun shot and the bikes roared and passed the starting line within seconds. The bikers rode in their full speed as the yells and cheers echoed loudly around the course.
Yn watched the race for the first time in her life and she felt worried about Chan getting hurt

To her surprise, Chan was first in the line and she saw Hyunsuk and Yeonjun shouting his name and cheering for him. After a minute the race ended as Chan was the first one to cross the finishing line. The crowd went crazy and the bikers parked their bikes along with Chan

Chan removed his helmet and turned towards Yn with a smirk. But his smirk slowly vanished when he saw his girlfriend's eyes were not on him. He gazed towards the place where she had been staring. He saw a boy who was his co-contestant who was bleeding as he had accidentally fallen down and hurted himself

He noticed the boy's girlfriend run towards him while crying. She hugged him tightly and started sobbing while he patted her head. Though the injury was minor, the boy was still guilty. Chan turned his gaze back towards Yn who was now dragged by Hyunsuk and Yeonjun towards him

His two friends gave him a hug and congratulated him but he still waited for his girlfriend to speak. "Congrats Channie" she said and Chan didn't see any pride in her eyes. Her eyes again went towards the couple and saw the girl was now patching his wounds

Chan gave a fake smile and hugged her, bringing her out of her trance. She smiled and hugged him back. He relaxed in her arms and sighed
"Bro, you still need to give a winner's speech" Hyunsuk said and Chan nodded his head

Everybody gathered near a small stage and Chan walked there and the loud hooting voice was heard by the crowd.
He suddenly remembered the story his uncle Rang had narrated him and he smiled at that thought

He went to the stage and held the microphone. Everyone cheered for a second and became silent, letting him speak
Chan remembered his uncle's words again and he smiled
'Its now or never' he thought to himself

"This is my twenty fifth win so far and i dedicate this win to a special person" he said and he gazed at Yn who gave him a small smile. "Tonight I am going to confess another thing" he said and still heard silence as the crowd waited for him to speak

"Racing was introduced by my Uncle when I was fifteen. He was also a racer back into his teenage days. He had been my role model in racing and today I have come up with a decision which will definitely make him and my special one proud" he said

"I am quitting the racing today" he announced earning several gasps around him. Yeonjun and Hyunsuk frowned and their eyes widened and Yn stood there frozen in confusion

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