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Yeonjun snorted as soon as the girl left and Hyunsuk made his lips into thin line trying to control his laugh. Chan was still standing there with his shocked face. No girl has rejected him but here this girl said 'idiot' and walked away.

"How can she reject me, son of a rich business man" Chan said and groaned and turned towards his friends
Hyunsuk kept his hands on his shoulder and patted lightly "She's different" he said as Chan gazed at him. Yeonjun regained his posture after laughing as Chan glared at him

"I'll win her heart" Chan declared as his friends were watching him with a wierd expression
"It will be one hell of task to win her"  Hyunsuk said as Chan raised his eyebrow

Hyunsuk then gazed at a particular direction while Chan followed his gaze. Chan gulped when he found his girl brushing her hair infront of a car parked nearby, making it's window glass as a mirror and after brushing her hair she sent a flying kiss towards her reflection. "I agree" Chan muttered as his two friends started laughing

"What did you even see in her" Yeonjun said still laughing as Chan shrugged his shoulders "She is not like other girls" he said as Hyunsuk nodded "I agree, but how are you gonna talk to her?"

Chan was silent for a moment until Yeonjun spoke "Are you perhaps in love with her?" He asked making Chan look at him "I don't love her, I'm just curious about her" Yeonjun nodded his head

"Wait for me at the restaurant, I'll be back in few minutes" Yeonjun said and rushed leaving two of them alone in the park. "Let's go Chan" Hyunsuk said as Chan nodded his head feeling slightly low remembering the encounter earlier

Chan and Hyunsuk were sitting in the restaurant waiting for their orders. Just then Yeonjun came smirking towards them. Chan and Hyunsuk raised their eyebrow at him while he took the seat infront of them

"You better treat me for this" he said to Chan and passed a small wallet from his pocket. Chan furrowed his brows while gazing at the blue wallet on the table "Did you rob?" He asked as Yeonjun furrowed his brows

"What the hell! Just open and see it. It's great help for you" he said and looked away offended by Chan's earlier comment. Chan hesitantly opened the wallet and saw a student Id card there

His eyes shone after seeing the picture of the person in the Id "Kim Yn" Hyunsuk was amazed as he gazed at Yeonjun, questioning with his eyes about the wallet

"I thought to follow her quietly so it would be easy for him. But while walking her wallet fell. So i brought it" he said as they both nodded
"So she is still a student" Chan said scanning the Id.

Then his eyes went to the small Polaroid photo and he gazed at that. It was a photo of Yn, Doyoung and her dad smiling happily towards the camera. A small smile formed in his face while watching the picture

"Return it to her tomorrow and try to become her friend first" Hyunsuk said as Dino nodded his head with a small smile. He kept her wallet inside his pocket and then they started eating their lunch

Yn was hanging her head low and sitting on the couch while her father was nagging about the wallet which she lost. "Appa stop scolding Noona" Doyoung said as her father sighed staring at her daughter whose head was low

He softly brought her into his embrace and patted her back. "I'm sorry for scolding you. But be careful from next time" he said as Yn nodded her head and smiled at her dad

Then they ate their dinner together and went inside their own rooms and called it a day.

Dino was laying on his bed while gazing at Yn's picture and he sighed softly. He didn't know why he was feeling so excited to meet her. It was all new to him.

Next day Chan parked his bike infront of the college and removed his shades and kept it inside his pocket. He was wearing a plain white tee with black cargo pants. He leaned against his bike and crossed his arms over his chest while waiting for her.

Many girls were drooling or fangirling over Chan. Earlier days he would wink at them or give them a flirty smile, but today he didn't felt to do anything. It all started after he saw Yn. He felt no interest in flirting or talking to any girl. He felt the need to talk only to Yn for strange reasons

Soon he saw Yn and Doyoung walking towards the entrance. He observed the younger boy in school uniform while Yn was wearing a simple black pants with a blue crop top. She had put her hair into a messy bun

He started walking towards that direction as both siblings turned towards him. Chan stood infront of them and he started at Yn up close again with a small smile. Doyoung raised his brow coughed slightly to gain his attention

"What do you need Mr?" Doyoung asked as Chan came out of his trance. He took her wallet from his pocket "You dropped this yesterday" he said while Yn eyes shone

"Oh my god. Thank you so much. I couldn't find it anywhere. Thank you" she exclaimed as Chan shook his head "No problem" he said and still stood in front of them. Doyoung was still raising his eyebrow and Yn noticed the tension between two men

She got to know that Chan wants to tell something else but couldn't speak because of her brother "Dobby, you go inside. I'll come later" she said as Doyoung turned towards his sister "Noona but-" "Please Dobby" she cut him off and gave him her best puppy eyes and Dobby couldn't deny her puppy eyes. He sighed and nodded his head
He gave one last look to both of them and went inside

"You can tell now and don't mind my brother, he's very overprotective" Yn said as he nodded his head and spoke "Can I be your friend" Chan asked nervously while rubbing his one hand on his nape and he saw her eyes shone again

"You want to be my friend?" she asked in a excited voice and he nodded his head "Ok your my friend now. My name is Kim Yn" she said happily and forwarded her hand "My name is Lee Chan" he said and shook her hand. He felt butterflies by her touch

Yn was happy because she didn't have any friends except the Park siblings. Everyone thought she is wierd and broke their friendship with her. She feels lonely everytime and now when someone approached to be her friend, she couldn't deny them.

"Here, give me your Phone number, I need to hurry now my class will start soon. But dont worry, I'll text you after my class" she said and forwarded her phone as Chan quickly took it and typed his number and gave a ring to his number. Both saved their number and Yn bid her goodbye and rushed inside the college

Chan was grinning like a fool and he felt like he had won a most costliest prize in his life. He shook his head and decided to go back home.

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