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Yn was sitting in the class hearing the teacher. She yawned and tried to distract herself from her sleep. Suddenly she heard a vibration from her phone and checked it carefully under the desk without being caught

She saw her new friend texted her and she smiled


I was wondering, why don't we hang out at evening and get to know about ourselves more


Wait for me at the gate


She kept her phone aside and listened to the class and tried her best not to close her eyes as she may doze off then and there


Yn hurriedly went outside and saw Chan was waiting for her. She suddenly held his hand and dragged him out of the sight.

Chan was confused but her sudden touch left shivers on his body. After dragging him a little far from her university she sighed "Dobby and Hoonie wouldn't like me making new friends" she said faces him and he furrowed his brows

"They should give you freedom to choose your friends" Chan said as Yn nodded her head "I know but whoever became my friend, they say I'm wierd and at last they hurt me. So they both are over protective" she said and lowered her head

Chan felt bad for her "Hey look at me" he said softly and she gazed at him "I will be your friend. No matter what, I won't leave your side and won't hurt you" he said softly bringing her smile back
He felt butterflies dancing in his stomach after seeing her smile

She nodded her head and they walked together "By the way, who's dobby and Hoonie?" He asked "Dobby is Doyoung, my younger brother whom you saw at the morning. Hoonie is Jihoon, my best friend. He has a younger brother called Jungwoo whom I call woowoo and he is Doyoung's best friend" she started blabbering as Chan listened attentively to her

It was new to him. He hated girls who speak a lot, but this was different case. He wanted her to talk more and he would listen to her ranting without getting bore

Soon they stopped in front a huge building and Chan held her hand and took her near the entrance "Hey, this is hella expensive restaurant" she said but Chan ignored her and walked with her holding her wrist

The guard saw him and immediately recognised him. He bowed at him and Chan nodded his head. He opened the door for them and Chan took her to the top most floor where they have VIP bookings

He escorted them towards a seat where they can see the view of Seoul from the glass building. Yn was mesmerized by the view outside. She even gazed left and right glancing at the grand decor and interiors inside the restaurant

"What will you like to have Yn?" He asked smiling watching her gawking the surroundings like a baby "Do they sell tteokbokki?" She asked as Chan gazed at the menu

"They only sell some Korean dishes Yn, check some Italian dishes. You would love them" he suggested and Yn shifted her gaze at the menu
She was not able to understand a word except pasta

"I didn't liked anything" she said and pouted and Chan shot a glance at her "I'll have some dessert as I am not that hungry" she said and Chan nodded his head unsure "Then I'll take the same" he said

Then he ordered a simple desert which was not simple for Yn. She saw how they have decorated the plate with some sauce as the desert was placed in between. She even saw two small cherries at the top of the desert.

The desert was yummy but yet she still didn't like it. She saw Chan was immense in his eating.
After having their desert, Chan took out his black card and payed for them

"Will you come with me to a place where I take you?" She asked being hesitant but Chan smiled and nodded his head "Sure let's go. Shall I call my driver?" He asked but she shook her head "It's nearby and we can walk" she said and they both started walking while having small talks

Soon they stopped at a place where there were more people and lane was full of street foods. Chan furrowed his brows with a strong dislike of the crowds, he turned his attention towards Yn and saw her sparkly eyes. She held his hand and started dragging him among the people

Chan saw many people walking around them. Some couples holding their hand or a bunch of college students hanging out with their friends. It was all different and new for him. Soon they reached one shop and he saw an old lady welcoming them

"Aigoo, Yn my child. It's been a week dear" she said as Yn excitedly hugged the old lady as she patted her back. "I brought a new friend Ajjumma. Treat us some tasty Tteokbokki" she said while the old lady glanced at Chan who bowed. She passed him a smile and went inside to prepare the dish

Yn sat on one seat and patted a seat next to her. Chan sat next to her. Soon the lady came with two bowls filled with Hot Tteokbokki and placed it in front of them. Chan was spectical about eating something from the street but he slowly held the chopsticks and took a bite

It was tasty and different from the recipe he had tried in the expensive restaurants. He liked it and he enjoyed the meal making the old lady and Yn smile "See, I bet you loved it. Me and Dobby used to come here to eat" she said "It's tasty" Chan said still focusing on his bowl

When Chan had just finished he got a call. He saw his dad was calling and he picked up the call. His father heard noises from the background of the busy street where is son was

"Where the hell are you, Zoo?" His father asked as Chan frowned "What did you call for appa?" He asked "Come home early. We have to discuss something" his father said and cut the call

He turned towards Yn "Yn I have to go now, my dad had called and today I had fun" he said and Yn smiled at him which gave him tingles inside his stomach
"Sure, let's meet again" she said and gave him one glance and walked away

He saw her disappearing figure and he heard a voice from behind "Shall we get going sir?" His personal driver asked as Chan nodded his head and went with him towards the black car parked at the corner of the street

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