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Dino was standing in the bleachers while his two friends were standing next to him and watching the race "Why didn't you take part today?" Hyunsuk asked "I won't be able to concentrate, so I decided to skip" Dino muttered and continued to observe the other racers

"Something happened?"  Yeonjun asked while Chan's thoughts went to the girl he saw three days ago.

From the next day he wasn't able to concentrate on anything. He just wanted to see her again. He didn't know why he was feeling so desperate to see her again. He used to suddenly zone out during times and would not be able to focus on any of his works.

"No" he said lowly as his two friends eyed him weirdly and kept quite. The race was completed and soon fans started cheering their own favorite racer, but most of the attention was on the bleacher where Chan stood. Many of his fans were upset as he did not take part today

Dino then started walking outside towards his bike as his two friends followed him.
He sighed and thought to get rid of the girl inside his head.
She was just a stranger and he can't behave like this for someone who he don't even know

He reached home and entered inside. Nobody was there in the living room. He slowly went towards the garden and found two ladies, sitting there and enjoying their cup of coffee while gossiping.

He smiled and went towards them. He sat on the soft grass infront of his mother and kept his head on her lap. Both ladies smiled at him while Jiah started caressing her son's hair with her left hand.

"What happened Channie" Yeohee asked as Chan turned his face towards his aunt who was watching him with anticipation and smile
"Nothing aunt just_    little lost" he mumbled the last two words lowly but the two of them already heard him

"Is it about some girl Channie?" Jiah asked her son as he lift his head from her lap and sighed
"Why even I am thinking about her, I don't even know her and I saw her from far. I can't concentrate on anything" he said and pouted while the two ladies giggled

"It's okay Channie, if she is fated to be with you, you will see her soon" Jiah said as Chan nodded his head. He decided to give them sometime and excused himself. He went inside his room and plopped himself on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He slowly closed his eyes, allowing his sleep to take over.

"Pasta is ready" Jihoon exclaimed and came out of the kitchen while holding the pan in his hands. He saw three people sitting on the dining table infront of the plate with forks in their hand. He chuckled at the sight and placed the pan on the dining table

He then took each plate and served them enough portion then at last he served it for himself and sat next to Yn. Soon they four started devoring the pasta in silence.

Jungwoo looked at Yn "Noona, when will you prepare Kimchi jiggae?" He asked as she kept her index finger on her chin and acted like thinking "Maybe day after tomorrow" she said and smiled as Jungwoo nodded his head

"You can slowly learn other dishes also, how come you only know kimchi jiggae?" Jihoon asked her while eating his pasta "Dad taught me only that dish, he didn't have time to teach other dishes" she said and sadly pouted

"Don't worry Noona, whatever you cook, I will eat it" Doyoung said proudly while showing his smile while Jihoon and Jungwoo sweat dropped at the memory a year ago

A year ago when their father had to go for a business trip, Jihoon and Jungwoo insisted to stay with Yn and Doyoung until he returns. Yn decided to cook for the boys and it was a big disaster

She tried to cook pesto pasta and she over cooked the pasta. For pesto she had added more amount of green chillies and little amount of spinach, garlic and olive oil

When she mixed all this in pan, she had burnt some part of pasta and served to them with a nervous smile. Jihoon and Jungwoo gulped at the dish in front of them but Doyoung had a sweet smile

Jungwoo had admitted that her kimchi jiggae was best, but this is something new so he was not ready to eat it. They three took a bite and froze in their seats. Jungwoo started coughing loudly while Jihoon's eyes started tearing.

Yn panicked and passed them water and patted their back. She said to leave the rest of the pasta and they can order outside again. What they didn't notice is Doyoung had already finished the dish prepared by his sister

All three looked at him with bewildered expression. His face and ears were red, his eyes were already tearing up. His nose was runny. His tongue was burning, yet he gave a thumbs up and smiled widely and said 'Noona is the best cook'

That day was never forgettable for the both Park siblings and they already know that Doyoung is whipped for his sister. They even thought about a certain male in an anime who was whipped for his sister like him.

They came out of their thoughts and gazed at Yn and Doyoung who were joking and laughing together. They were surely inseperable siblings and they both liked their bond.

It was weekend and Dino had just come out of the office and saw his friends waiting for him at the parking. He was wearing a formal outfit with a blazer. He removed his tie and opened the top button of his white shirt.

He took his black shades and sat on his bike and drove outside the company as his friends followed him. They decided to go to a expensive restaurant for their lunch. While driving, Chan saw a familiar figure inside a park.

He stopped his bike, while his two friends did the same "What's wrong?" Hyunsuk asked with a confused reaction but Chan didn't answer and started walking inside the park

Hyunsuk and Yeonjun decided to follow him and saw him walking towards a girl.
Chan saw the familiar girl who was playing in the rain busy gazing at the sky.
He gazed at the sky and saw an aeroplane flying above them.

He gazed back at her and slightly coughed gaining her attention. Hyunsuk and Yeonjun just stood behind him.

"Will you come with me to have an icecream?" Chan asked showing his wide smile while Yn furrowed her brows watching a stranger and two males standing behind him

"Idiot" she muttered lowly and walked away. Chan's jaw dropped and he stared at the girl's retreating figure being complete dumbfounded

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