163. Maelstrom.

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Réa and I sit, holding each other, until the sky begins to darken.

"We should probably go inside," I say softly.

I feel her nod against my shoulder.

"Yeah," she says, but doesn't move.

I let myself hold her for a few more minutes before I reluctantly lift her from my lap and place her beside me. I stand and offer her my hand; she takes it, and we make our way inside. Following the scent of food and the sounds of the others' voices, Réa and I join them in the kitchen.

"Dinner is almost ready, you two," Wanda says as we enter.

"It smells great. Thank you, Wanda," Réa replies.

I hear a slight waver in her voice, and I turn to look at her; she's fidgeting with her fingers, and I know she's nervous.

"I, um..." she begins, eyes moving to each team member as she speaks. "I'm guessing you all have some questions, and maybe some things you'd like to say."

Her eyes dart to me at that statement.


"Wanda filled us all in," Tony interjects. "Between showing us your thoughts, and what she found in Olc's head, everything is pretty much clear." He pauses. "Also, again thanks to Wanda, Sharon's bo—Sharon is in the medical wing. Fury and Hill will be coming to...retrieve her shortly."

"Oh. Um...okay then." Réa clears her throat. "Well, if any of you change your mind, you know where to find me."

Her words are met with nods from the others, and with that, we take our usual seats at the table. As dishes are passed and plates filled, Nat mentions wanting to schedule a group outing; the others chime in, making suggestions and voicing opinions. Réa and I sit quietly; she's clearly still nervous, because she pushes her food around her plate, only occasionally taking a bite. I want to comfort her, but I'm filled with so many mixed emotions and feelings that I decide it's best to just keep quiet until we can be alone, so I force myself to focus on the others' conversations and the task of eating.

Eventually, Réa takes her plate to the island, scraping it before rinsing it and placing it in the dishwasher. I do the same, and together we take the elevator to our floor.

"So...I guess we should talk now," Réa says once we're in the hallway by our doors.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Do you...do you want to do that in my room or yours?"

I hesitate briefly, considering.

"Yours," I say.

"Okay," she replies with a small nod, before turning to open the door.

I follow her into her suite, and we stand facing each other as heavy silence settles between us; Réa eventually breaks it.

"I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry." She inhales shakily. "I know that doesn't make it any better. I just...I..." she trails off, pressing her lips into a line and looking down.

I have so many things to say, and no idea where to begin, so I just continue to stand silently.

"Are...are you going to say anyth—"

"You left me."

'Well, that's one way to start this,' I think.

Now that I've said those words, the rest come pouring out.

"You said you understood. The day we watched Tangled, and I told you not to make a choice like that—like this—you said you understood. And I know you didn't promise, and Wanda's already let me have it for this, but I..."

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