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2 days later

It was around 10 in the morning when Taehyung woke up. Last night, there was a small party in the entertainment industry, that's why Taehyung came home late and was still asleep. Due to the party and drinks last night, Taehyung had a headache. So, he decided to freshen up first and make hangover soup to feel a little relaxed.

As he got out of bed, Taehyung checked the time on his phone, which was charging. Then, he said to himself, "My princess must have already left for her class," and headed to the bathroom.

After freshening up, Taehyung started making hangover soup and scrolled through his phone while sipping it, when suddenly... He had numerous missed calls and messages. There were calls and messages from the company, BTS, his mom, and his dad. Then, he checked a message and was shocked.

Then, he checked the news and articles... He had become the hot topic of today's news. Everywhere, a photo of him and Kim Jennie was going viral, showing Jennie and Taehyung kissing.

Taehyung: What the fuck is this? Why is this picture going viral?

After seeing all this, the first thought that came to his mind was Y/n. There wasn't a single call or message from Y/n. And of course, Y/n must know about this news because it went viral early in the morning.

Taehyung tried calling Y/n multiple times, but Y/n didn't pick up any of the calls, nor did she reply to any of his messages. Taehyung even went to Y/n's house to look for her, but she wasn't there.

He felt helpless. He couldn't understand what to do. After so many calls and messages, Y/n always used to reply, no matter how busy she was, but today, there was no response. Taehyung's heart sank with fear that maybe Y/n had left him, maybe he had lost his princess.

He started thinking that everything was going well in his life until now. Happiness and brightness had entered his life. Their relationship was still new, still in its infancy, there was so much more to grow, to mature, and then spend their entire lives together. But now, it felt like everything was going to end right here. He wondered if their love, their companionship had come to this point only. Would his happiness, his princess be taken away from him?

"Life isn't always sweet; sometimes it serves bitterness to remind us of the value of sweetness."

Taehyung sat on the edge of his bed, his mind engulfed in a sea of thoughts, waves of immense grief crashing against his shore. Tears, heavy with sorrow, cascaded down his cheeks, leaving trails of anguish in their wake. Each breath felt like a burden, each heartbeat a reminder of the pain echoing within.

As he gazed into the abyss of his despair, his phone shattered the suffocating silence with a piercing ring. With trembling hands, he reached for it, his heart pounding with uncertainty. The display flashed "RM Hyung," stirring a flicker of hope within the darkness of his despair.

With a shaky breath, Taehyung answered the call, his voice barely above a whisper, "Hyung?"

On the other end, RM sensed the heaviness in Taehyung's tone. "Taehyung, are you okay?" RM's voice held a mix of concern and compassion, like a beacon of light amid the storm.

Unable to hold back the floodgates of his emotions any longer, Taehyung poured out his heart to RM, sharing the depth of his grief and the weight of his fears. RM listened patiently, offering words of solace and understanding, his presence a lifeline in Taehyung's darkest hour.

In that moment of connection, amidst the turmoil of emotions, Taehyung found a glimmer of hope. Though the pain still lingered, he knew he wasn't alone. With RM by his side, he found the strength to navigate the storm and face the challenges ahead, one step at a time.

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