Chapter 8

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S.Coups was torn between his feelings for Y/N and his responsibility as a member of Seventeen. He knew that pursuing a relationship with a fan could not only harm his own reputation but also put Y/N in a difficult position. He understood the potential consequences of his actions and realized that he needed to prioritise the safety and well-being of both himself and Y/N.

After much contemplation, S.Coups made the difficult decision to distance himself from Y/N. He couldn't bear to put his members or Y/N at risk, even if it meant sacrificing a potential relationship. He decided to limit his interactions with Y/N on his secret account, keeping his identity hidden to protect both of them from any potential backlash. S.Coups knew it was the right thing to do, even though it meant letting go of the possibility of a romantic connection with someone he cared deeply about.


I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. It had been weeks since I last heard from my new online friend, and I can't help but wonder if I had done something to make them distant. I replayed our last conversation in my head countless times, trying to pinpoint where things might have gone wrong. But I just couldn't understand why they had suddenly pulled away.

I met up with Hye Jin and Ji Yeon for our monthly hang out. Being around them would provide some much-needed distraction from my swirling thoughts. As we walked together, I updated my fan account with photos from our meet up, hoping to bring a smile to my followers' faces.

Ji Yeon and Hye Jin exchanged worried glances as they noticed me staring off into space. "Y/N, are you okay? You seem really out of it," Ji Yeon asked gently. I sighed and explained that my online friend had stopped messaging me for a while now, after talking to each other every day for months. "I'm starting to worry if I did something wrong," I admitted, feeling a knot of anxiety in my stomach. Hye Jin shook her head and reassured me, "I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Maybe they're just busy with their own life or something." Ji Yeon nodded in agreement, adding, "You tend to overthink things, Y/N. I'm sure everything will be fine." Their words did provide some comfort, but deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

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