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S.Coups had always been used to the adoration of his fans, the screams of excitement and the constant attention wherever he went. But there was one fan in particular that caught his eye, a passionate and dedicated Carat who seemed to be at every event he attended.

He couldn't help but notice her in the crowds, her eyes filled with admiration each time they met. She would cheer him on with such fervour, always the loudest and most enthusiastic in the room. And the more he watched her, the more he found himself drawn to her energy and spirit.

As time passed, S.Coups found himself looking forward to seeing her at every event, feeling his heart race whenever she smiled at him. And before he knew it, he had fallen head over heels in love with his passionate fan.

But he knew that their love was not meant to be, that the boundaries between idol and fan could never truly be crossed. And yet, each time he saw her, he couldn't help but feel a spark of hope ignite within him. Maybe, just maybe, their love story could defy the odds and find a way to flourish despite the obstacles in their path.

And so, as he stood on stage, singing his heart out for his adoring fans, S.Coups couldn't help but steal glances at the one woman who had captured his heart. And as their eyes met, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, their love story was just beginning.

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