Chapter 3

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S.Coups' POV

As I stood on stage, pouring my heart and soul into our comeback performance, I couldn't help but notice her in the crowd. The girl who had been a dedicated fan since our debut, who I had seen at multiple concerts and fansign events. There was something about her that stood out to me, a spark in her eyes that made my heart race.

I first noticed her at our fansign event. As I sat there, signing albums and chatting with fans, my eyes suddenly landed on her. Y/N. She stood out from the crowd, not just because of her beauty, but because of her aura. It was as if she had a magnetic presence that drew me in. I couldn't help but feel mesmerized by her, as if she was the idol and I was the fan attending her event.

I tried to play it cool, maintaining a smile as I signed her album and exchanged a few words with her. But inside, my heart was racing. It was like no one else existed in that moment except for her. And as she left, I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to see her again.

I scanned the crowd for familiar faces. And there she was. It felt like fate that she was here, in the audience at our first concert. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, even as I performed song after song. Seeing her in the crowd, singing along to our music and cheering us on, filled me with a sense of joy and gratitude. It was like she was my lucky charm, bringing an extra spark to our performance.

Last night at our comeback show, during our performance of "Rock With You," our eyes met and I couldn't look away. I could see the excitement and adoration in her gaze, and it made me feel a rush of emotions. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her going crazy, recording the moment when our eyes locked.

I couldn't deny the impact she had on me, the way her presence in the crowd made me feel alive. As I danced and sang my heart out on stage, I couldn't help but feel a connection with her. Maybe it was just a fleeting moment in time, but I knew that she would always hold a special place in my heart. And as the show came to an end, I could only hope that our paths would cross again in the future.

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