"It's the lease we could do." Lorelai smiled.

"Congratulations Logan. Medical school is a HUGE deal!" Luke told him.

"Thank you so much!"

"Mom has been bragging about you since Luke got here." Rory explained.

"And congratulations on surviving Paris every day." Luke added. "I don't know how you do it!"

"Some days I wonder." Logan laughed.

"Mom made that appointment you requested." Rory told him.

"I set it for Monday afternoon at 3. Did you want to go?" Lorelai asked.

"Only if it's ok with you guys."

"You can probably explain things better than I can." Rory told him.

"I second that." Lorelai agreed.

"I'll be there. I need to get back inside though. I have a little situation to deal with. Thank you guys for dinner." Logan said opening the car door for Rory to climb in.

"You are very welcome." Luke told him. "Thank you for taking such good care of Rory. We really appreciate everything you've done for her."

"No thanks needed." Logan smiled as he closed the door. "Please make sure she rests fore the remainder of the night."

"Scouts honor." Luke agreed.

"See you later Logan." Lorelai smiled as Luke put the car in drive and started to pull away.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Once back inside the hospital, Logan head for his office.

"Brenda ,would you like to explain what happened out there?" Logan asked, walking in the door.

"Some delivery driver walked in the door and wanted me to interrupt you while you were with patients."

"Brenda, did you even ask who that was?"

"I have no interest where you get your food from. It's none of my business."

"Well, for the record Brenda, not only was that NOT a deliver driver, that was my family! And I don't care if it had been a deliver driver. Your careless snippy attitude isn't acceptable in this hospital. You and I have talked about this before. This time I will be issuing you an official write up. One more time, and you will no longer be employed here. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Doctor Huntzberger."

"And in the future, if my family ever walks through that door while you are here, you will be apologizing to them for your negative attitude. Got it?"

A Different Kind Of LifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora