"One touch, and zap! You're fried!" Miko said.

Bumblebee understood and started walking carefully, one big step at a time while beeping.

"He must have learned that in TV or something," Miko said to me. I just nodded.

Soon, we heard an odd sound coming from deep inside the tunnel. I tapped on Jack's shoulder.


"It's coming from this way!" Miko exclaimed as she ran through an opening leading to the other side of the tunnel without thinking. I slapped my forehead.

"Miko!" Jack shouted as he ran after her, to try and stop her. I ran after him to try to stop him from stopping her.

We soon reached Miko and I grabbed her shoulder.

"Miko, what is your-" Jack started to scold, but we were interrupted by a blinding light. I shielded my eyes.

"Hold it right there!" He shouted.


"What are you kids doing down here?" He questioned us with a microphone. Jack and I looked at each other.

"We're on a field trip with our school," Miko thought quickly. "But we got lost."

"Oh, really?" He asked.

"I told them we should stay with our group, but Leonard and Diana here - insisted we search for fossils," she put the blame on us. I rolled my eyes and crossed my hands. Of course Miko would blame us.

"My bad," Jack apologized. He knew he couldn't argue about this with Miko.

"I want to go home," she begged in the most begging way possible. "Can you help us, mister..."

"Vogel," he introduced. "But you can call me Vogel," he turned off his flashlight and revealed his face.

"So, ever ride a sweeper train?" He smiled as he pointed to a train at the back. Miko walked towards it as I saw Arcee's and Bumblebee's Face peep out from the opening.

"Face," Jack and I smiled.

*Time skip*

"And this section was added in the '30s as part of a public-works project," Vogel explained. We were inside of the sweeper train, in the control area. Vogel was explaining to us about the history of this place.

"Fascinating," Miko yawned. I yawned as well. Man, yawning really is contagious.

"But these old tunnels have a dark side, too," he started to say seriously.  That caught my attention.

"Strange creatures have been said to lurk down here. Giant snakes, albino alligators, even mole men," he looked at us persuasively.

"Well, but those are just people who live down here because they have no place else to go, right?" Jack replied.

"That's what the media wants you to believe. But I say, they're from outer space," Jack and I looked at each other and locked eyes.

"I'm telling you, Area 51's got nothin' on this place," he continued. "The aliens are down here, building up their army, plotting to use us humans as slave labor."

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Miko motioning us to the back of the train.

The three of us quietly snuck away from Vogel as he continued talking about his suspicious of aliens. We made our way to the back of the train, opened the door and jumped out.

I watched as the train drove further into the tunnel.

"Aliens, huh? Heh heh If he only knew," Miko laughed mischievously.

Transformers Prime: Broken Heart, Broken Voice (#1)Where stories live. Discover now