"Ew, you're finishing each other's sentences..." Miko shuddered, which earned an elbow hitting her in the gut.

"Where are you going with this?" Arcee asked.

"You're gonna need a face man. Someone who can speak on their behalf," he tried to persuade.

A human who can run interference if their cover gets blown, finish, adding onto the convincing.

"Well, I've actually been in subway stations. I grew up in a major metropolis, unlike Mr "I've never been outside Jasper, Nevada"," Miko crossed her arms.

"I have been to Cybertron," Jack says.

"Cybertron doesn't have subways. Does it?" Miko wondered.

And, I've actually been to New York, I know what the subway tunnels look like, and I've stayed there long enough for me to know about the people there.

"Since Erin has been to New York, she can also be your guide. Very well. Miko, Jack and Erin will accompany Arcee and Bumblebee," Optimus said.

"Yes!" Miko cheered.

The three of us looked at Arcee and Bumblebee and exchanged knowing glances.

"Initiate transport, and triangulate coordinates of the other three relics," Optimus instructed Ratchet. I grinned happily.

Finally, my first mission with the autobots! I couldn't wait to see Arcee and Bumblebee's action!

Jack grabbed his helmet, and gave me mine. Ms Darby had bought it for me a few weeks ago.

Arcee transformed into her motorcycle form and Bumblebee transformed into his muscle car form. Miko hopped inside Bumblebee, while Jack and I rode on Arcee.

Ratchet opened up the groundbridge to New York, and we went through it.

Soon, we emerged at the other side, and we ended up in a small alleyway where no one would see us.

"Woah," Jack awed, taking in all the tall and shiny buildings. I remained neutral. I enjoyed coming to New York with my family, but it wasn't really a pleasant experience for me.

"Of course it's no Cybertron," Miko teased, her head poking out of Bumblebee's window.

"All right face. How do we get underground?" Arcee asked.

It isn't gonna be so easy, I signed in front of Jack.

"Erin's right. You can't just jump the turnstiles and hope no one notices," Jack said. We heard a honk, and looked up to see Miko waving at us, still inside of Bumblebee.

Arcee drove over to him.

"Check it out!" Miko pointing at an ongoing subway construction.

"Construction! Fact of life, in the big city," she beamed.

*Time skip*

We somehow managed to get into the ongoing construction site and we were walking around the place, searching for the relic.

I was looking around the tunnels, front, sideways and back to make sure no one spots us, since Arcee and Bumblebee were in their robot mode.

"Bumblebee don't move!" Jack called out.

I looked in front and saw that Bumblebee was about to step on the third rail. His one foot was in the air and the other was on the ground and he was trying to balance himself.

Bumblebee beeped in response.

The third rail, I signed.

"It carries electricity to power the subway trains," Jack explained.

Transformers Prime: Broken Heart, Broken Voice (#1)Where stories live. Discover now