"Is my son ready?" The sweetest of all voices pulled me and Jimin back to our so called social roles. I should be a fucking man i was and marry the girl that was sitting outside.

"I-I am." I stood up, one more knot being tied in my stomach, this physical manifestation of pain would never get me anywhere. I gotta do what i gotta do.

"You look beautiful!" My father cupped my face in his hands oh so gently  and said. Aren't I supposed to be handsome? He should treat me like a man—-the man he wants me to be.

"I'm ready." I felt air shortening in my lungs. How much longer is this going to hurt? Is killing your own heart with your own hands do nothing to ease this pain?

These 23 years of my life have been the pettiest as well as bravest. I did all i can to survive, wish I wouldn't have tried so hard. I wish living was not this difficult—-this painful.

"You go outside uncle, i'll bring Tae in a while. I just need to make him wear the tie." Jimin's voice entered my ears. I don't want a fucking tie! What i really want is the man——-SHUT UP!

"Great, i'll have everything ready outside." Saying thát kissing me one more time, my father walked away, soon disappearing behind the door.

"I don't want no tie." I said as soon as the door was closed.

"I've got a message—-"

"No chickening out now Jim, i told you, i killed the left feelings were there—" i didn't, I can't. "— no pulling me back now." I said and walked towards the closed door that held the hell ready to swallow my worthless existence.

I heard you are getting married soon, guess she wouldn't be disgusted by your filthy existence.

Something pierced in my already bleeding heart. Pain shot up the my whole body, my footsteps got even more heavy, and at last I stumbled, hit the door, tried to hold myself but—-Jimin's strong arms held me, made me strong straight. I need someone else's arms to—-

You were supposed tộ fight for us, you were the strong one always.

"Be strong Tae," Jimin tried his beat to smile but even he can't. The universe was so unkind and cruel, it was not meant to happen.

"Easier said than done, Jim." I smiled back at him, same effort almost same result. "Let's get this over with."

Jimin held my hand and we walked out of the room. Apparently i looked good, every eye who saw me held adoration, every mouth that opened had blessings and wishes for us. My wife stood right infront of the stage, i was supposed to come first, bứt anyway. Jimin kept me walking straight even when every nerve in my body was ready to give up.

"It's over, afterall." I whispered.

"I'm sure something more beautiful awaits you Tae, the universe—-"

"Is cruel and unkind." Saying that i softly slipped my hand out of Jimin's hand and plastered my best fake smile on my face. I gotta be the man now. Enough being the damsel in distress.

"My son's here, my beautiful, sweetheart is here." My father once again showed an extreme love he holds for me but there's something wrong with him. I'm a man, like he wants so he should give me the masculine energy as well, not the beautiful one, the handsome one! "It's a big day of your life!"

It is, and it's worst!

"Every single person present here right now holds an enormous amount of respect for you. You have been through so much in your life yet you never let yourself go lost in it. You my love is a beautiful boy with a beautiful heart. I love you, Dad love you alot." He leaned in and kissed my temple. This all just feels like a dream, like how recently i hold so special place in my father's heart that he never had for me before. I really like this but today—— my breathing once again started getting distorted.

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