CHAPTER V - Alone Again

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          Shortly after leaving the Lost Boys in anger, Rufio starts to climb a small cliff side leaving the coast for higher ground. On top of the short cliff side he happens to find an old discarded fishing pole too tangled and rusted to be used properly but Rufio grabs for it anyways.

"That Fairy Bug better stay true to her word," He says while untangling the fishing line as best he can. "You hear me!?" Rufio shouts to the trees behind him. "Three Days! I know you hear me Stinker Bug!" Rufio finishes stringing his fishing pole and looks below to throw down his line.

The fishing pole in Rufio's hands is hardly usable but either way, he loves it and begins to try and relax in his self-made retreat while wrapping the fish line around his foot and reading himself for a nap.

"Finally, this I can get used t-" Just when he was getting ready to truly relax, his fishing pole along with the string wrapped around his legs gets pulled hard and down towards the waters below. Rufio tries to reach for anything around him but fails and splashes down into the Never ocean.

After pulling himself out and onto a boulder he shouts in anger as a few fish are seen slapping out of his leather jacket in front of him.

"I've had it! I'm tired of this place! How do I leave this damn island?!" He shouts to the world not realizing there are now mermaids watching him and giggling nearby.

"But why leave us so soon, we just only met?"

"and your day is near through."

"don't leave us just yet."

"Are we not pretty for you?"

"Let him join us below." One of the mermaids says to the others.

"Yes!" They all agree "We'll give him a show!"

All the mermaids begin to giggle like school girls and proceed to pull Rufio off the bolder and towards the ocean once again.

"No wait! Stop, I can't swim! I'll drown!" Rufio shouts. "Stop!"

"What is he?"

"I don't understand."

"Is he a lost boy?"

"Is he a man?"

"Boy that is wet,"

"Answer us this, are you a pirate?" Rufio flusters.

"I'm not a pirate!" He quickly pulls himself up to sit on the bolder with his arms now crossed together in frustration. "I'm a-man!"

"It's true, he was made for land." A mermaid says disappointed while dropping his leg back into the waters.

"But surely no man." Another mermaid makes clear.

"the replacement of PAN?!" they all laugh and shake their heads in disbelief as this further irritates Rufio.

"I'm tired of that name!" Rufio now stands with his feet wide apart on two smaller boulders as another fish now flops out from behind his jacket and plops into the waters as if he pooped it out then and there. The mermaids share a chuckle. "I just want to forget I ever came here; how can I escape this damn island." Rufio looks around and up at the sky beginning to grow darker purple and grayer than before. "and how's the night life around here?" He nervously asks as he notices the day is near ending.

"Oh you shouldn't fear,"

"It can always be worse,"

"Though a lot of creatures out here,"

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