Chapter 22

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Redpaw blinked at the young tom in shock. He walked up to the front of the clan to stare up at Nightspeck in anger and determination.

"Ravenpaw! What do you think you're doing?" A silver she-cat with green eyes hissed, stepping forward.

"I'm standing up for our real leader, Streamclaw!" Ravenpaw hissed back.

"Ravenpaw?" Nightspeck meowed, staring down at him.

"Shut up, Nightspeck! You're not a leader! Shellstar is our leader! And he's the best leader our clan will ever have! You're all disloyal fox-hearts! You know nothing about how to be strong! You're abandoning a great leader who will make us all the strongest clan in the forest! And you're abandoning him for some dumb Thunderclan Flea-bags!" Ravenpaw yelled, bristling angrily.

"Shellstar was a tyrant, he could make us strong but he would also make us cruel, and I will not have a cruel clan." Nightspeck meowed.

"Have you lost your senses?" Streamclaw hissed, walking forward to stand in front of Ravenpaw. "Shellstar was a horrible cat! You must see that, you Feather-brain!"

"I haven't lost anything! It's you that lost your brains!" Ravenpaw hissed, fluffing up his fur to appear the same size as Streamclaw.

"Shellstar isn't who you should be following! Join Nightspeck to be in an actual great clan, don't follow some kit-stealing murderer!" Streamclaw hissed.

"Ravenpaw, listen to Streamclaw, you must see how bad Shellstar was," Nightspeck meowed.

"Shut up! You're all just dumb frog-brains!" Ravenpaw hissed, lashing out with his claws at Streamclaw before running away.

Streamclaw dodges easily and growled, whipping around to where Ravenpaw ran. She ran after him, quickly catching up and blocking his path.

Ravenpaw snarled and ran around her. Streamclaw tried to run after him again, but Nightspeck ran over and blocked her.

"Streamclaw, stop. I know he's making the wrong choice, but in the end it's his choice to make, you can't change his mind," Nightspeck meowed.

Redpaw looked as Ravenpaw ran out of camp, through the hole in the camp wall Shellstar had made.

"Fine, but I'm definitely not happy about it," Streamclaw growled and walked away.

"Well, that was... something," Squirrelpaw meowed, Redpaw turning his attention to her. 

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