Chapter 16

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Redpaw Walked around the edge of the camp, searching for the kits. He checked the bushes and reeds at the edge of camp, but found nothing.

He sniffed the air, but the scent of blood and cats covered any kit scent he could've found.

Redpaw ducked from the claws of a cat and ran around the camp.

He found a scent that he could only just make out from the rest that smelled like the kits, but a warrior blocked his view.

A light gray tabby tom with green eyes pounced at him, claws extended. Redpaw tried to duck but the tom grabbed him and through him to the ground.

Redpaw tried to scramble to his paws but the tom's paws smacked him down to the ground again.

Redpaw twisted around and kicked the tom in the jaw. The tom stumbled back, and Redpaw got to his paws. The tom quickly recovered and pounced again, slamming Redpaw to the ground again.

The tom pressed a paw against Redpaw's neck. Redpaw felt panic surge through him as he couldn't breath. He felt himself stuggling against the tom, he gasped for air but it never came.

No, no, no! This can't happen! I can't die like this! Redpaw thought, struggling against the tom, thrashing and kicking, but the tom was too much bigger than him, he couldn't escape.

Redpaw saw his vision blur until the weight was suddenly lifted from his neck. He turned and saw The tom fighting against Rabbittail. The tom tried to snap his jaws around Rabbittail's tail, but Rabbittail was born with a short, fluffy tail like a rabbit's, so there was nothing for the tom to bite.

Redpaw stared for a moment before returning to searching for the kits. He searched almost everywhere he could, weaving his way through battling cats. He tried to pick up the scent he lost when the tom attack him, but he struggled to locate it. 

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