Chapter 19

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Redpaw dove into battle, Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw joining in a different part of the fight.

Redpaw looked around for someone to fight, a warrior leaped at him, but Squirrelpaw barreled into the warrior, sending it barreling away. For a small, young apprentice, Squirrelpaw was quite powerful.

"Redpaw? Where are the kits? Are they okay? Are you still looking for them?" Squirrelpaw asked.

"They're with Slatepaw," Redpaw meowed.

Squirrelpaw looked up with a puzzled look. "Who?"

"A friend, the medicine cat apprentice," Redpaw explained, looking around to make sure no one was trying to attack him.

"Oh, okay," Squirrelpaw meowed, slashing at the face of a nearby warrior, who yowled and ran away.

"We also have two allies in the fight," Redpaw meowed, motioning to Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw fighting side by side, fighting their own clanmates just for what they new was right.

"Really? Ok," Squirrelpaw meowed, pausing from fighting for a moment to look at Squeakpaw and Eveningpaw before returning to fighting. "See ya!"

Redpaw went back to fighting. He leaped at a warrior, a ginger tom with blue eyes. The tom yowled and flipped over, pinning Redpaw.

Redpaw hissed, slashing at the warrior's face. The warrior hissed down at him. "I'm sorry! I don't want to fight, but I have to, just, go, pretend you're defeating me!"

"I- uh, ok?" Redpaw meowed, then leaped up, throwing the tom off, gently but still believably.

The tom yowled and sprinted away. Redpaw turned around and saw a white she-cat jumping at him. Redpaw ducked with a hiss, the warrior leaping over him.

The she-cat turned around and hissed, bristling. She leaped forward, slashing at Redpaw. Redpaw yowled as blood splattered on the ground.

Redpaw shook his head, sending more droplets of blood flying. Redpaw lashed out, clawing at the white she-cat. She yowled as bright red blood seeped into her snow white fur.

The she-cat growled as she sprinted around behind Redpaw and jumped onto Redpaw's back, clawing at Redpaw's ginger fur.

Redpaw reared up on his back legs, but the she-cat held her tight grip. Redpaw went back onto four paws and shook her off, successfully this time.

The she-cat rolled away, and quickly got to her paws as Redpaw jumped at her. The she-cat reached forward and batted Redpaw away as he flew at her.

Redpaw lost his balance and rolled away. The white she-cat walked forward and raised a claw to land a killing blow on Redpaw, but before she could, two cats jumped in front of her. One cat batted the warrior's claw away, and the other jumped onto the warrior.

After a moment, Redpaw recognized Squirrelpaw and Squeakpaw. Squirrelpaw was clawing at the white warrior as the warrior shook and reared up to her her off, blood splattering around. Squeakpaw joined in, although not as fiercely as Squirrelpaw.

The white warrior managed to shake Squirrelpaw and Squeakpaw off and ran away quickly.

"Thanks, I thought I was done for," Redpaw meowed with a small chuckle.

"You're welcome, I wasn't about to let you become Crowfood!" Squirrelpaw meowed.

"Yeah, especially so soon after we've become friends," Squeakpaw added.

"Now, we have more fighting to do!" Squirrelpaw meowed, leaping back into the fight, Squeakpaw following quickly. 

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