6~ She's All Fluff

Start from the beginning

Here's where the situation got tricky. When Mason told them the details, they left out the part about the possible romantic attraction. We've been friends for a long time, but I didn't feel comfortable letting them know that I'm a lesbian. The attraction they thought I had to the male species was so far off base. Sure, there were guys I thought were cute but not in the way that Kailey for example, would think.

There's also the part where I haven't even come out to my family yet. Telling my friends before telling them felt arbitrary to me. I'm sure however I decide to go about it wouldn't matter. The main issue was knowing their tolerance level. If they'll love me the same way they did before knowing. This world has come a long way in acceptance, but it still wasn't where it needed to be. However, with the way Saida acted in the art studio; maybe she has something she wants to say to me too.

My eyes look in my lap to hide my nervousness. "Ehh, I don't know," I shrug. "Going with someone as friends sounds a hell of a lot easier."

David agreed, pulling out that dreadful pack of cigarettes. "You might be on to something Summer," he lights it. "I doubt any girl would agree to that though."

Saida sighed trying to calm herself down. "Just be careful Summer," she said in the saddest of tones.

The girl could barely look at me causing me to overthink. Am I making a huge mistake by wanting to talk to Maisie? I didn't want anything to ruin my friendship with Saida, but exploring other options shouldn't be a crime. Despite not knowing the full story, Saida was one of the people who should've been happy for me. This is what we talked about for years now. I'm branching out and making friends without the need for her help. I loved Sunbury and all it had to offer, but the people were not the most welcoming. Can't she be proud that someone finally took notice of me without her having to vouch?

The atmosphere changed as we grew quieter and quieter. David, after finishing his cancer stick, had to go meet up with his folks for a dinner they were having. It sucked that he had to leave with our current circumstances. I couldn't handle being alone with Saida knowing she was mad at me. What could we talk about when all that was surrounding us was cold air? David was practically feeding me to the wolves without a care in the world.

Alas, he sped off in his car whilst Saida and I sat in silence. My eyes glanced over at her as she looked in the other direction. The sun setting hit her face just right, lighting up the honey she had for eyes. My heartbeat picks up in my chest as I bit my lip in awe at her beauty. Slowly, my hand slides across the bench just to feel her fingers. The slightest of touches sends warmth throughout my veins. God this girl held my heart in her hands and I'm too much of a wuss to say it.

A minute had passed before Saida finally grasped my hand in hers. The light squeezes she'd give me would signify that we were okay. It was all I needed to know, but verbal confirmation always felt better. If we couldn't communicate as friends, I couldn't expect it in a relationship.

Turning my body toward her, I tug at her hand to make her eyes shift over to me. "Sai, are we—"

She giggles, stopping me from speaking. "We're fine Summer," she said. "You're just my best friend. I guess I'm scared to lose you that's all."

I smile softly. "It doesn't matter who I happen to be cordial with. You're still my number 1 girl."

Her hand squeezed mine harder as she looked to me for reassurance. "Are you sure?"


She slides over before engulfing me in her arms. I can feel so much tension from her body release as I'm holding her. She was truly worried about me replacing her when that could simply never happen. We had a relationship that couldn't be replicated with anybody else. We were each other's light when the others didn't even know of our existence. Maisie may be a fabulous individual, but it's been Saida and I since day 1. There was no one I would ever even think to replace her with. She had me and I had her.

All the mushy business out of the way, she looked up at me with this devious grin on her face. The girl was always up to no good but it was one of the many things I loved about her. Ever since she showed me how to steal the key to the snack drawer her mom had hidden, I knew she was the one. The rebel in her was always a treat to witness.

"Let's say we go into Autumn's old room and steal some more clothes," she giggled.

That sounded good to me. My sister left a lot of her old stuff behind before moving in with her fiancé. "She's sooo gonna kill us," I say but didn't hesitate to go into her room anyway.

Saida didn't think anything of it. "Oh, please she'll thank us." She shrugged.

"Whatever you say, Sai."

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