Chapter Six

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After around an hour, and after exploring the city's rooftops a little longer, Mia and I slowly slipped off the final roof and landed with two small thuds on the hard, dry floor. We sat in the shadows for a moment, watching. My eyes swiped our surroundings. I frowned, worried.

"I hadn't realised we were so far from the bunker..." I remarked, my face darkening.

Mia shrugged and smiled at me reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Thad saw me go out after you. He'll be looking after the girls."

My shoulders relaxed. I turned and saw her watching me with sad eyes. "I'm glad you told me how you were feeling." She whispered, "It's poisonous to keep bad memories inside of you, you know. And you shouldn't worry about us so much." She added, with a hint of sadness.

I smiled, mindlessly tugging at a small cut on my forearm. She enlaced my shoulders, hugging me softly.

"Thank you." I murmured, my throat hurting.

She looked up, surprised. "What are you saying that for? I'm your best friend! It's what friends do..."

Mia looked away. "And besides, you came for me, I..."

I stopped her with a serious look.

We observed the buildings around us in silence. The whisper of the wind echoed in the streets, the afternoon sun reflecting through broken pieces of glass lying among stones and debris.

After a moment, I slowly pushed myself back up, readjusting my jacket on my shoulder. I held out a hand and Mia stood up.

"Ok, let's go home."

As we crossed rooftops to the bunker, I suddenly jumped back. I quickly pushed Mia behind me as I prepared my dagger, ready to throw it at any sign of movement. Mia muffled a surprised cry.

Something is wrong...

Light twisted unnaturally around the shadows in front of the bunker entrance. I squinted and realised the shadows were clouds of dust circling around a truck.

Three men were walking around the building, carrying crates down from the camouflaged truck parked on the side and bellowing orders. I quickly glanced at the end of the street, my eyes now picking up silhouettes holding guns and hidden in dark corners around the zone.

They are keeping guard, my eyes widened in realisation.

I turned to Mia. She looked back at me, panic shining in her eyes.

"Stay down," I whispered to her "They are just below us. Two on the right, five north east."

My eyes had darkened, my heartbeat slowed and I was already evaluating our options. My voice had turned cold, I calmly articulated orders as Mia obeyed. We jumped from roof to roof, perfectly coordinated, every step soundless and our landings synchronized.

We made our way around the building. I stopped at the back, mentioning to Mia to follow, as we climbed down the wall.

We walked around the back in silence, ducking as the men keeping guard turned around, watchful. As we reached the front, I froze. The man giving the orders... His dark brown hair.


"What?" Mia blurted out.

"What do you mean? Rae?"

Thad swiftly turned around, his eyes burning with a savage light I had ever seen before.

He saw us, and relief flooded on his face before his gaze turned cold. I walked towards him, keeping his stare, my head high and fury filling my eyes.

Dark Sunlight - The Shadow Series (Book 1) ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now