42-Go with it.

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Colin POV.

I can't believe Melody has sold me out for the vampires, and for Arlo, he's cute and all, but not cute enough to sell me off for him, to have this guy! I looked at her with betrayal filling my eyes, she betrayed me, she betrayed her sister, what would mommy say knowing she was the one who gave me up to the vampires. Or maybe mommy would never know, maybe she'd tell her they took me and never says what really happened, what I knew for sure today, I'm going to die.

"Where are we taking him?" she asks with the same cold voice, and cold smile, she looks colder than Thalia when she's in alpha mode, she looks as cold as ice.
"Why do you want to know? You're here with us now," Arlo answers her, making her frown, she looked at him, there was a small growl, I could hear the growl, but he ignored the growl.

"Keep it for bed," Alro says with a wink, I looked at him with wide eyes, please don't do this, I begged in my head.
"Grr," Melody's answer was, she sounded angry, the guy only smiled, even more, he's liking this. The car ride went on forever, we didn't go to an airport, we didn't get on any plane, which was great, I didn't want to leave our side of the earth. I tried to look out of the window, I could see where we are, I was familiar with these streets, I knew where we are, we were in the human district, and I know exactly where we are.

It's a place where the black market was held before, it's a place where we got threatened and almost got attacked, it's the abandoned factory, it's not a safe place, I know it got a lot of rooms and people have been killed here before, I know that. They parked the car in the back of the building hiding the car, they got out first, holding Melody's hand, and dragging me in, they took us up inside the factory, we moved to one of the closed old offices, I was thrown in along with Melody, she turned to the door angry.

"Hey! Let me out!" she yells at the boy, who I know is Arlo, the crush.
"Sorry, babes, it's the orders," he says, making her growl at him.
"I'm at your side," Melody says, but the door was locked locking us in, I took a step back, trying to get away from her, trying to hide from her, I'm afraid of her.
"Don't be afraid Colin," she mumbles holding her head, but I'm afraid of her, afraid of her cold eyes, and her cold smiles.

"Why did you do this?" I ask her, afraid of her still, I want Thalia, I want her now.
"Colin, for fuck sake!" she says between gritted teeth, I took another step back, this time, I stumbled over some debris on the floor, falling down on my bum, which hurts.
"Colin! Baby, you okay?" she says running toward me, pulling me off the ground into her arms, hugging me.

I looked at her with confusion, now I'm her baby? Now she's worried about me? The blackness of her eyes was gone, they were back to their usual colour, the light brown one, the normal eye colour, something was wrong with her, I could feel it.
"Melody?" I say looking at her, trying to get what's wrong with her.
"I'm sorry Colin, just go with it," she tells me, I nod my head yes, I was kind of afraid of her, but I also trust her, I trust she won't hurt me hopefully she won't.

We stayed in the room, in the closed room, with the door locked, Melody did try to open it but it wouldn't open, she was starting to get anxious, I saw her going back and forth to the door, before getting angrily unable to open the door until the door came unlocked and Arlo walked in with a dark smile on his face.

"I got food for you, my love," Arlo says getting inside the room, and handing us some food, Melody went toward him, with a smile on her face.
"Arlo, love, you can't keep me in here, I want to be out with you," Melody says hugging him, and kissing his cheeks, I felt the urge to vomit right then, but I held it in.
"I can't let you out, Melody, the boss would kill me," Arlo says, shaking his head no, he landed a kiss on Melody's lips before leaving the room, locking us in again.

Once he was out, she wiped her lips clean with her sleeve, she looked at me with disgust, then why did she even kiss him? I just got to go with it, that's what she told me.
"I'm sorry Colin, I'm sorry," she said again, I don't understand why she was apologizing, she looked at the food that he got us, he got us sandwiches, she handed me one telling me to eat, but she didn't eat, she was holding her head in pain.

"Melody, are you okay?" I ask her, but she shook her head no, she doesn't look to be okay, I ate a few bites of my food, but I couldn't eat much, not able to digest the food.
"We need to leave Colin, we need to leave before they come back," she says, I just nod my head yes, I want to leave too.
She went back to the door, she kept trying to pick the on the locks, she used her nails, a hair clip, and some random metal pieces she found in the room until the door finally opened, she looked at me with a smile, but she was pale, she was sweaty, she looked sick, and getting sicker by the moment.

"Let's go, Colin, I need to get you out," she says, holding my hand, she was going the wrong way, I knew from the time we were chased around here, I remember the door we went from. I dragged her that way, she almost fell, she was shaking with tremours, but we're almost at the door now.
"Melody, we're almost out!" I tell her, but she fell to the ground, her eyes were fully black now.
"You go, I can't go, I need you to give this to my sister," she says handing me a paper from her pocket.
"Melody?" I ask not understanding what was happening, but she pushed me away from her, she shifted, and for the first time ever, I saw a wolf shifting, it was magical, it was scary, I was frozen in place.

Thalia.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang