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Colin POV.

I closed my eyes and tried to rest, I'm laying in her lap, I'm as safe as I'd ever been with her holding me this tight, I did manage to fall asleep in the end, I closed my eyes and slept happily in her arms. When I woke up again, it was to be strapped back down in my seat using the seatbelt, I groaned, having to sit back alone, she held my hand again, the landing was just as rough as the taking off when I groaned loudly again.

"It's the bad weather," Peter explains to me why the trip has been so rough.
"Do we have to go during this weather?" I ask out loud, do we have to go at all, can't we just go back home.
"Work calls sweetie," alpha Thalia tells me, holding my hand until we finally landed on solid land, I wanted to cry and get out of the plane, maybe kiss the solid ground and never get back on a flying machine ever again!

"Everything ready?" alpha Thalia asks Peter, as he got out of the plane first, before telling the rest of us it's time to get out, Thalia picked me up, as Peter went back in to hold Lillie's hand, there was a couple more person around with us, they were all just security for us.
A car was waiting for us, but it was not like the regular small black car we get in, it was a big, well giant black car waiting for us, with many, many seats in it, we all got in the said car with me looking around this new car, it's like a buss, but more luxurious.

"First time in a limo?" Lillie asks, sitting back, I knew she's making fun of me, it's my first time everything, but Peter had her quitting down, during the rest of the drive, where are we going, I had no idea, but since I had Thalia with me, I didn't mind, going anywhere with her.
"You're going to enjoy this little Colin!" Lillie says teasing me yet again, although this time I didn't really get what she's teasing me about.

"We're going to stay in a hotel, we'll get to order some room services," Peter says with a smile, why is he so happy about room services?
"Imagine it being a sleepover with adults who are planning on getting drunk," mommy Thalia explains to me, I just nod my head yes, I can live with that.

The car kept on moving until we made it to a new building, it was freezing outside, I held closer to Thalia, trying to stay warm until we got inside the building, Peter talked with the guy behind the desk getting keys from him, the bodyguards held our bags carrying them in for us, they went up to our room before us, it was a big suit, with rooms connected to each other. We had a room, and Peter and Lillie shared one of their own, while the bodyguards had one they'd take turns sleeping in.

"Let's start this party!" Lillie says turning the music on, it wasn't too loud, just some music to keep us company, food was ordered for us along with alcohol, and I was allowed another glass of what I found out to be champagne, I loved the taste of it.
"Can I have more?" I ask mommy.
"He got fancy taste," Lillie says pointing to me.

"Last one, even if it's sweet, it would make you drunk," she warns me, but I didn't mind, I still nodded taking the last glass that I'm allowed to take, I was starting to get a little light-headed, but the food helped, we had some fancy looking beef, although my plate was all cut down for me. Now I'm feeling much better, it doesn't feel weird for me to call the alpha mommy, or to wear a pull-up while drinking champagne, it all felt so natural, and normal to do this.
"Come dance with me baby Colin," Lillie says, she drank much more than I did, she held my hands giggling turning around the room as we tried to dance, her almost falling a few times, while I just moved around holding her hand giggling.

"Mommy, look we're dancing," I tell her happy, I never danced with anyone but Bambi, she stood up and moved toward me, she took my hands out of Lillie's and began to dance with me, she's much steadier than Lillie is the alcohol hardly having any effect on her.
"Show me your moves," she says as she twirled me around the room, making my giggles get much louder. On the other side of the room, Peter was dancing the same way with Lillie both of us laughing like crazy.

"Party is over, let's put the littles to bed," Peter says, making me whine, he's not the boss of me, Thalia is.
"You're not the boss of me," I inform him, sticking my tongue out to him.
"I'm not but she is," Peter says pointing at Thalia.

"I don't want to sleep yet, please!" I beg her making puppy eyes at her, maybe that would work, but it didn't work well for me.
"We got work to do tomorrow," she says, but it's still early, she's the one who got work, while I just have to sit next to her.
"You got work, me only have to sit next to you," I explain to her, why I can stay awake for a longer time.

"Really smarty pants?" she says raising a brow at me, is she mad, I just looked down to the floor, afraid of her anger.
"Hey, that's smart!" Lillie agrees, giggling like crazy, I think she's drunk.

"You're going to bed missy," Peter says carrying her out of the room, mommy turned to me finally.
"Please," I beg her, I don't want to sleep, we're having a party.
"We can lay down in bed and watch tv together until you sleep," she suggests.

"Okay," I agree with her, she took us toward our room, for once the bed didn't have a big canopy covering the whole bed, it was just a big bed in the middle of the room, she changed my clothes and hers into pj that she had packed for us, they were thicker than our usual clothes, but it was much colder in here.
"What would you like to watch?" she asks turning the TV on, she had a movie on for us, it was a cartoon movie, but one we both enjoyed.

Thalia.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz