27-Days Off.

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Colin POV.

I yawned, stretched, and yawned some more, I'm awake now, I looked around to see we're still in the company, mommy got to work some extra today, I and Lillie took a nap while she still worked, something about a new experiment she wants to conduct, nothing that I understood really, just some experiment over rogue wolves, whatever that means.

"What he doing here?" I mumble to myself seeing doctor James in the office, I turned on the search of Lillie maybe I can hide behind her, if he doesn't see me, he won't be giving me any kind of painful shots today.
Lillie the other miss scary cat wasn't here either, she must have gone to her office, the traitor, I turned to my other shoulder, hiding from the evil doctor.

"I need to wake Colin, or he won't sleep at night," Thalia says, I held my breath, I don't want to wake up.
"I can wake him for you alpha," James says, moving toward the sofa where I'm asleep, I didn't want him to wake me up, I can wake up on my own.
"Hey, little guy, it's time to wake up," doctor James says shaking me slightly awake, he wasn't shaking me too hard, but I don't want him to be the one waking me up, I shook my head up, hiding my face with my hands.

"Colin," James calls again, turning me from against the sofa, getting my face exposed, I whined and cried out loud, a thing I've been doing for a while now, I don't know how alpha Thalia managed to do it, maybe she did slip some serum into my food, that's causing me to slip into the little space she's been talking about all along.
"Ohh, James, I think you disturbed mommy's boy," Thalia says coming toward our side of the sofa, she looks as good as she did this morning, all dressed, her perfume still intact, her make up perfect, while I looked like a wreck with tears going down my face.

"Come here, let me wipe your nose," Thalia says getting a tissue, I got off the sofa, and ran toward her, trying to avoid the mean doctor in the room.
"Blow," she ordered after she wiped my tears away, now that she was in holding distance, I held tight to her.
"Am I really that scary to littles?" James asks sounding a bit hurt, yes, he's scary, and he's a doctor who gives painful shots.

"Colin is a mommy's boy here James," Thalia informs him, I just nod my head yes, I'm her boy.
"Yes, and Lillie who's been hiding since I walked in?" James asks, he sounds really scary, no wonder she's hiding too.
"You gave her a shot last week," Thalia says making him shake his head.
"Would I ever get my own little?" James asks, why does he want a little, he's a big meanie.

"I thought you were happy with just Logan and Ryan," Thalia says in an accusing tone.
"We're looking at extending our family, the boys have soft spots for littles," he says with a fond smile, maybe he's not that bad after all.
"You got a soft spot for them too, we'll talk about our experiment later, we're done for the day," alpha Thalia says, ending their chat and our day in the company.

She held my hand and her purse, ready to leave, she dismissed Lillie, going down to her car, it was the other guy driving us again, not Peter, I decided to ask her about who this guy is.
"Why not Peter?" I ask my mommy.
"Because Peter needs to take care of Lillie," she explains, I did an oh noise, that makes sense now, how long have I been here, I think to myself, I was thinking about mom, and Bambi, how's my bestie and sister, is she doing well, does she need help to do her hair.

"Colin, it's time to get up, I'll put you in bed, as soon as we get in," she assures me but it wasn't just sleep that I'm thinking about, I'd ask her more as we lay down to sleep. She walked us right toward her bedroom, although her house is giant, we only spend time in her bedroom, and the kitchen, we're not here most days, and when we are we spend lazy time in bed, or just watching tv.

She laid both of us down in bed, she added, protection to my clothing option, although I tried fighting them off, she'd never allow me to go to bed without them, I have to wear them every night. She's dressed in her nightgown, it doesn't cover anything really, but she looks really pretty in them, maybe I can tell Bambi I finally laid next to a woman.
"Mommy," I say slipping out of my headspace, her boobies were kind of distracting, but what do you expect from me.

"Yes, sweetie?" she asks her tone being firmer, she knows I'm not in my little space, she could always tell.
"How long have I been here?" I ask although I knew it's been a month now, maybe a tiny bit more since the day I signed the contract.
"About a month baby why? Counting days until you get rid of me?" she asks me, I looked at her with confusion, shaking my head no quickly, I don't want our three years to end, I'm having my best life around here.

"Uhhh...about my days off?" I ask her, I get days off every month, I miss Bambi, I wanna go and check on her.
"Yes, you get two days off, but you have to ask permission for them first. Next week we're going out of the country," she says, oh, we're travelling?
"We?" I ask just to make sure.

"Of course, you're coming with me," she says petting my hair, landing a stray kiss to my lips, making my heart skip a beat.
"I was never kissed before," I confess to her.
"Would you like to kiss you?" she asks, her lips close to mine, I don't want sex yet, maybe a kiss.
"Not now," I say, I wasn't ready to be kissed yet.

"Okay, I'm here when you're ready,"she says landing another peck to my lips making me blush, she's almost gettingme to forget what I was going to ask her.
"Can I have my days off?" I ask her, finger crossed, she'd agree andallow me to go and spend some days with Bambi, I miss her so much!

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