12-First Day.

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Colin POV.

I go to work, I come home, I spend some time with Bambi, I do her hair, I help her get her mother's medication, Peter drives me around, Alpha Thalia makes me do some simple jobs, yesterday I had to help organize her paperwork, send some around the office and even write a report for her, I felt really productive working with her.
But the best part about today is that days have passed enough and now I'm getting paid, I was ready to jump up and down happy about being paid, I have so many plans for this payment, dinner, clothes, ice cream, and giving Bambi some money to help with her mother's medication.

I tried not to show her how excited I'm for the payment part of my day, I still got to do my job around here, even if my job happens to be sitting next to the alpha, taking notes while she's in this boring meeting, I felt like crying, I hate the meetings, standing and daydreaming is much easier than standing next to her and actually paying attention to the words said. The company works with medication creation, they are the makers of some very exclusive medications and drugs, they are the ones who cured cancer, but they also own many hospitals and clinics around the world.

"We got a deal alpha?" the guy asks her, they've been going back and forth for about an hour now, the vampires want their artificial blood to hold alcohol in it, but alpha Thalia is refusing saying they don't have enough nutrient in them, the vampire race would starve.
"Alpha, with all respect, they taste terrible," the guy says whining, he sounds like a kid who's refusing to eat his veggies.
"It's the only ones we could offer you, take it or leave it," alpha Thalia says, having enough with him, she pushed her chair back, ready to get up.

"You can't do this," the guy whines again, ready to fight her.
"Do I need to call your master? Tell him you're in need of a good ass-kicking?" alpha Thalia asks her voice going deeper, her look made the guy melt in his chair.
"You can't do that," he mumbles this time.
"I can and I will, have you been taking your serum?" she asks him, when his eyes went wide, she only smiled, "This is off the records, just a friendly chat," she says, I stopped taking notes now, I didn't know what to write about now.

"I don't like it, makes me feel vulnerable," the guy says.
"It's all about trust, if your owner can't make you safe enough, then you need a new one," Thalia tells him, he just nods his head yes.
"If you're lost for a dom, you could chat with our little section," she says, I looked at her confused yet again.

When the guy left, I turned to her super-duper confused, she just smiles at me, and turn fully to me, she holds my hand yet again, she's been doing that often.
"Our company makes things medical-related, but we also have a secret not so secret BDSM part, we sell things to every kink, we match people, and we offer serums that make them get into their headspace," she explains to me, I just nod, not really understanding much about BDSM, I'll have to ask Bambi about it again.

"Okay," I answer her, I didn't really understand but sure.
"Do you have any idea about BDSM?" She asks me, and I nod, it's when someone likes the other to beat their bums and they enjoy it.
"It's about trust and pleasure, a lot of supernatural enjoy it, now let's get moving," she says, but for some reason, I can't imagine being beaten as pleasurable or fun.

We went back to the office with her, the rest of the day was very quiet, I was kind of worried and scared of the alpha, would she ever do anything to me without my permission, does my permission even matters to her?
"Colin, Colin..." I heard my name followed by finger clapping, I turned to the sound, seeing the alpha with an angry look, "I've been calling you," she says.
"Sorry, alpha," I say quickly, worried about making her angry.

"Come take your payment, you're done for the day," she says with suspicious eyes, I nod and walk toward her, she had my payment in a white envelop, I took it with a big smile, forgetting all about the pain and beating talk, I'm ready to take the money and leave!
"Thank you alpha! See you on Monday," I say taking the envelope and running to the door, so happy and excited about spending it.

"Enjoy," she calls after me, as I got toward the door, I didn't care about getting on the bus today, but Peter was waiting for me again, he drove me home, he saw my happiness, but didn't comment on how bouncy I was in the backseat.
"Goodbye Colin," he says as I got out of the door and ran toward Bambi's place! We're gonna take over the world today.

"Bambi! Bambi! I got paid! let's go! let's go!" I yell to her, getting paid is so good, we're gonna buy so many things.
"Go where?" she asks me, she looks like she just woke up from a nap.
"The market, I got paid, let's go spend my money," I tell her, that got her to wake up, she hugged me jumping up and down along with me!

"Let me take a shower first," she says going toward her room, I sat on her bed, while counting my money, that's the most money I've ever held in my hand, I can't believe it's just one week worth of payment.
"Getting dressed," she says coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, with her hair up in a messy bun.

"Bambi, what do you know about BDSM?" I ask her, she knows most things.
"It's fun when it's done right, it can provide pleasure and trust, but don't go into it blindly, you are a cute twink, people would love to get their hands on you," she explains, it didn't really explain much, but fine with me.
"okay," I answer her.
"Why you asking?" she asks, I groaned, now she wants to know.

"I've found out the company I work in offers BDSM supplies, and matching people together," I say, it's the truth, though.
"Oh, okay, I'm done, ready?" she asks me, she's in her regular hoodie and legging, it was getting colder we're going to need some jackets this winter.
"Let's go sis!" I say excited again.

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