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Colin POV.

A full week, we've been stuck inside for a full week, all I want to do is to get out, I'm in my little space again, but I'm done being stuck in, I want to leave the house, to work, to school, to anywhere, I was never locked in for so long.
"Mommy, please, can't I go to school at least?" I beg her, I just want to get out of the house, even if it's to go to school.
"Colin, I'm not sure it's safe out there," she says, making me groan, I'm this close to throwing a tantrum, I never did that before, but I saw Lillie throw one last night.

"Pleaaaaaseeeee," I beg with her, she looked like she was thinking about it, she told me to wait while she left the room for a bit, I wanted to get ready for the day, but I didn't dare to get on her bad side today, not while I want to be allowed to get out.
"You'll stay with Melody the whole time, someone would be with you the whole day," she says, I didn't mind having guards.

"That's okay mommy," I say kissing her cheeks, she got me ready for school, finally dressed in something different than sweat pants, I had jeans and a jumper on this time.
"Let's go, Colin," Melody my best friend after Bambi tells me, we both got in the car that took us toward our university, it's been so long since we came here, we skipped some classes, but I was still doing all my homework online.

"Are you ready to get back?" I ask Melody, she's been skipping classes too.
"Yeah, I'm bored at home, my sister messes up and I get locked in, the vampires are scary creatures, she should have never done that," Melody says.
"She did it to save me, he wanted me," I say, I don't know if she knew the real reason why it all started.
"Vampires are creatures of hell," she agrees, nodding her head at me.
"They are," I agree with her, the drive ended soon, we both got out of the car and moved toward our first class.

Everyone was looking at us, and whispers were heard about the two of us and about Thalia, I didn't understand what they were saying, but I doubted that Melody could hear them in detail, the look on her face changed, she was frowning now, she had a big frown on her face.
"They talk but they don't know what they are talking about," she says in a small growl, her voice was changing, she's angry, really angry, and that kind of scared me.
"It's okay Melody, ignore them," I assure her, holding her hand, trying to get her to calm down.

The rest of the day passed like that, Melody was mostly angry, she growled many times, she glared at people, she was close to biting their heads off, one of the girls in our school one that I recognize as Melody's friend, she came over and went face to face with Melody.
"You won't believe who wants to talk to you girl!" the girl says, Melody just gave her a look.
"Whom?" she asks her.
"Arlo!" she says in a dreamy voice, I still have no idea who that guy is, but from what I understood from Melody he's a hot guy in the college.

"Why does he want to talk to me?" she asks the girl with a raised brow.
"Why does it matter! He wants to talk to you! that's the important part!" the girl says starting to drag Melody away from me, but I didn't want her to leave me alone, I tried to hold on to Melody's hand, but we were soon divided. Melody left me alone, I was lost among the rest of the students, where am I supposed to go? Go to the car? Wait for her, I stood there lost.

"Hey, let's go," a new person tells me, holding my hand, I didn't recognize this person.
"Who are you?" I ask this new person, I don't recognize them.
"Alpha Thalia sent me, we need to get you out of here, now!" he says in an urging voice.
"What about Melody?" I asked worried about her, we can't leave her behind.
"Andrew would get her," the guys says running now, dragging me behind him.

"Faster, the vampires are here," he says, I was worried, I remember when they tried to kill us while we were getting in the plane, I was so afraid, I didn't question his movement, I kept on running until we reached a car, a dark car, the guy opened the car and made me get in the car, he got in after me, telling the driver, the one I don't recognize either to start driving.

"What about Melody?" I ask them again, we can't leave her back there, what if they get to her.
"Melody?" the guy who was driving says with a smile, a dark smile, that's showing off his fangs, I felt my heart drop down to my stomach, is that a...a v-vampire? I think to myself, I couldn't even think of the word.
"Yes? Her?" I ask him swallowing the lump in my throat.
"She'll be joining us soon," the guy who dragged me into the car says, smiling to showing off his fangs the same way as the other guy did.

I tried to close my eyes, not to show how afraid I'm maybe I can call Thalia, tell her to come to save me! But first I need to find Melody, I won't leave her behind, she's my mommy's sister and she's also my friend.
The drive went on and on, another car stopped right next to ours, the car door opened and out came Melody, she opened our car and got it, she had a smile on her face, maybe I shouldn't be afraid?

"Melody, so glad you joined the party," the driver says.
"You know me, I'd do anything for fun, this would teach my sister not to lock me in," Melody says, her eyes were black, full-on black, she looked angry, really angry.
"Welcome to the dark side Melody," the guy next to me says, with an evil laugh, he even had the evil laugh!

"Oh thank you, Arlo, I'd do anything for you, you know," she says with a smile sounding shy? Did she blush?
"I knew I love you for a reason," the guy who I now know to be Arlo says, this isn't good.

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