17-New Contract.

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Colin POV.

"Okay," I say, this is one in a lifetime opportunity, if I say no now, I'll hate myself forever, Bambi would also kick my bum for saying no, she thinks it's a good opportunity.
"Okay? Should I get the contract then Colin?" She asks, I nod my head yes, if I think this through, I'd change my mind in no time and I didn't want that, I should just commit to it right now.

"Great!" She says smiling a real smile this time, she left the room and went somewhere else, coming back with a new contract in hand, it was like a twenty pages long contract.
"I'm going to give you an hour to read this through, it holds in detail what would be expected from you, the way you'd be treated, and all those details. Your old contract would be put to end once you sign this contract, If you got any questions just ask me," she says.

"Okay thank you," I answer her thankful that she didn't want me to sign right away, I could read it first. The first page was all formalities, it contained my name and hers, my status which is human, and hers as an alpha. Next were our address, and finally the duration of the contract three years with the possibility of renewing with both of our consent.

Three years was a very long time to give away to the alpha, but three years were enough to kill anyone's hopes and dreams in our current world, I started to read them, there was a definition of the relationship, a mommy dom little relationship, also called as caregiver little, with me being the little in both cases.
The definition was similar to the one she gave me, with the addition of more details around the little, I'm expected to get into the headspace and not pretend, the little age expected is between one and two years old.

Pretending and failing in getting into the real headspace would result in the cancellation of the contract, she wants this to be real, at least she's dedicated to something, I sneaked a look at her, she's holding a book now reading it. She's ignoring me, giving me a chance to read the contract with no pressure at all.
I moved to the next part, the requirements, other than getting in the headspace, the little is expected to call the dominant mommy under all circumstances, wear protection to bed that would includes pulls up and diapers, use baby items such as pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups.
The little is also expected to obey the mommy all the time, failure of obedience would result in discipline. It's the same word again, discipline, it's the one that's scaring me the most so far, I wish Bambi was here to help me.

The little living situation would be alongside the dominant, whether it's inside or outside the country. The little is expected to sleep in the mommy's room, whether in her bed or in his designated crib/bed, the dominant has the right to set a bedtime and waking up time according to her schedule, I just hoped she's going to allow me to sleep.

The little hygiene and health are the dominant job, the dominant would assure that the little is well fed, and clean the whole time, the dominant would personally wash, and clean the little from diaper changes to bath time, also they would provide healthy balanced meals during the day. In case of sickness, the dominant would attend to the little ones until they get back to a healthy state.

Sex is not a valid point between dominant and little, but sexual favours would be provided for the little upon asking and when needed.
University is still valid for the little the dominant would be the one paying the whole expenses, the little would be sent to his classes, he's expected to get good grades, ask for help when needed, no college parties are allowed while with the alpha, discipline would be provided in case of failure in any subject. Suddenly I was worried about my bum, I'm good at school, I used to be good in high school, hopefully, I'd pass in uni too for my own good.

As the little get more used to their new lifestyle and adjustment, more little items would be added, high chair, car seats, playpen, playroom with appropriate toys, playdates.
The final part of the contract was the discipline part, it stated that misbehaving, defying orders, back-talking, and not obeying Thalia would result in discipline.

The discipline would vary depending on the crime, it could be a simple time out, earlier bedtime, privileges taken away, grounding, writing lines, mouth getting washed, and finally a spanking to the bum with the hand, nothing else would be used or implied to the bum while the little is only human. I am human! Thankfully, I don't want to be spanked with anything else!

I expected the contract to be over but there was still another part before we went to the legal part and settlements. The little would be given an immortality shot every month while being with the dominant, the shot would assure them staying young-looking, prevent sickness, prevent bruising of the skin, and prevent death while the medicine is in the little system. (Side Note: Studies showed, no to very mild side effects of the drug, it's completely safe)

Now I was on the last two pages, there was the monthly payment done in the bank, the two days off every month have to be otherized by the dominant a day prior. I wasn't allowed to talk about my job while on the said days off, I wasn't allowed to leave the country or do anything that would put me in danger during the off days.
Alcohol without permission wasn't allowed even on said days, rules still apply even during days off.

"I want to talk to Bambi," I say, she's the one who got more information about these things, not me!
"who's Bambi?" alpha Thalia asks with a raised brow, she's jealous?
"My friend, she's like a sister to me," I explain to her, I want to talk to her now.
"Why do you need to talk to her?" she asks me.

"I want to tell her that I'm not goingback, I don't want her to worry about me," I explain, we always worryabout each other.
"You got her number?" she asks me, I nod my head yes, she hands meher phone, I called Bambi, my message was quick and short, I'm not coming homefor a while

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