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Colin POV.

"What's the job again Bambi?" I whine over her head, she refused to give me any details until after she had some sleep, and she sleeps way too much, I want to know what the job is!
"After my coffee," she answers me, first it was after she sleep, now after coffee, next after food.
"Fine, but you gonna have to answer me in the end," I say, following her to the kitchen, seeing her get herself a big cup of black coffee, she can't afford coffee creamer, and she can't have too much sugar, she need to keep her shape.

"How do you even drink that?" I ask her scrunching my nose at that.
"It feeds my dark soul," she answers me, I roll my eyes, she doesn't have a dark soul, she's the opposite, a pure heart that life went too hard on.
"Fine, what about my job?" I ask her, starting to get irritated, I love her, but she can be mean sometimes.
"Patience, little boy, patience," she orders me, I just roll my eyes at her waiting for her to talk.

"So my date works in that company, there's a rumour their CEO is looking for humans," she says, but that isn't enough, that's not near enough to understand what the job is!
"They just want humans? What's the freaking job?" I ask her, just asking for humans, what if they want our souls or something.

"It's a legit company, what you see is what you get, sign with them if you like the contract, make sure to read it well," she explains to me, okay, a contract, a legit one where I sell my soul over!
"And my soul?" I ask her still worried about my poor soul.
"The company belongs to wolves, they don't like souls," she assures me, wolves, I like wolves, they are nice supernatural, they are majestic creatures, and I'm kind of in love with them, they don't like souls, I knew that they have no need for them, unlike vampires or demons, you never want to mess with any of those.
"What's the company name?" I ask Bambi, I'm going to send them my resume and hope for the best.

"Moon and Howl," she answers me with a giggle, she's right, it's very fitting, I left my friend to be in peace now, I got what I need, I moved back home, opening their website, sending my resume along with a request for a part-time job. I didn't expect to hear a reply, my own mother said the best I'd get is the janitor job, maybe then I can drop out of school and just do that job.

"Mom! I got an interview! I got the interview!" I tell her jumping up and down, my interview is in the "Moon and howl" company, just like Bambi said!
"What's the job Colin? janitor?" mom asks still believing that a human won't get a good job, she was in one of her moods, nursing a wound over her wrist, a bite mark. She was always too busy, too tired, or too moody to take care of me, I raised myself, humans don't have a childhood, we can't afford one.

"No, it's a..." I say reading my letter all over again, it didn't specify what the job is, just that I have an interview with Miss. Thalia Ranulf, I had no idea who that is neither did Bambi, but I was still excited.
"Yes it's?" mom asks getting impatient.
"I have no idea, I just got an interview," I mumble, making her angry.
"You idiot! I don't care, go to the interview, if you never come home, it'll be one less mouth for me to feed," she says, her words did hurt, but I couldn't say anything, I kept quiet, she hates me, she always did.

"Thanks, mom," I say, going to my room, deciding to get ready for my big interview, mail takes forever to reach us, I'm supposed to be there today in the afternoon. In my room, I kept all of my clothes, I had a pair of jeans the one I'm wearing, a few Tshirt, and one button-down shirt, it's the best thing I own, I decided to go with that option, it's my best one. I got dressed for my interview, washing up first, brushing my teeth, brushing my short blond hair back, I put my shirt on, it showed off the blue of my eyes or so the salesmen said when I bought it. I sure hope it does, I spent a pretty penny on this shirt for big moments like this one, I added my worn out converse.

I had to dig through my savings for bus money I could ask Bambi for some, but I don't want to take anything that she needs. I got just enough to get there and back home, I added a splash of perfume, one I keep for special occasions too, once I was done, I got my resume and left the house, I went by Bambi's house first, kissing her cheeks, thanking her for the help, before getting on my way.

I had to walk to get to the bus stop, but it was a thirty-minute walk, but one I was ready to make in hope of getting the job. I took the first bus, sitting in the back, people were eyeing me, most of them were either off to their work or to their school, all of them looking exhausted, only humans use the bus, the supernatural are too wealthy for this type of transport.
I ignored their look and stayed on the bus until the final stop, then I got out of the bus and started my short walk in the wolf land, this is where most humans work, for wolves, either in cleaning jobs, low paying jobs, bellboys job, humans here are just a bit fancier than the one back home.

I kept walking until I found my second bus stop,my feet were kind of hurting from all of the walking, although I'm used towalking for long distances, saving up money as much as possible, I got on thesecond bus, this time it was just me and a few other humans, the drive wasn'tas long, I had to walk the rest of the way.
Another fifteen minutes walk, I was a sweaty mess, I tried to make myself aspresentable as possible this time, before stopping in front of the giantbuilding with the logo "Moon and howl", I took a big breath andwalked in.

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