Coffee Shop (Actor Pt. 3)

Start from the beginning

"You're extra early," you pointed out, taking a moment to look out the window to your right.
"I didn't see any overly expensive cars outside, so I had assumed l'd beaten you here."

"I always am. And, didn't drive my car," he answered plainly as he too looked out the window.

Before you could ask, he was already pointing to a sight just near the curb. Perched on its stand near the window was a bike; sleek black and shining in the dull spring sunlight.

"That's the bike you drive?" You nearly gasped, ogling over the bike. Sure, you'd learned enough about him from your obsessive research to know he rode. But never once had you seen the actual bike he owned.

"No, stole it from a man a couple blocks back." Levi scoffed, but not aggressively so. When you looked back over at him, he seemed more curious than sarcastic when he looked over at you from the corner of his eye as he continued to face the window.

"Though, I never told you I rode."

Realizing you'd soon be found out about your obsession into his personal life, you decided to downplay the fact you knew with an absent smile.
"Oh... well, you mentioned it once or twice in interviews. I'd never seen the bike itself, though."

"I seldom post to my socials, unless one of the guys naggs me to," he shrugged, picking up a menu off the table previously stacked by the rack of simple condiments lining a thin rack at one edge of the table.

"You seem more informed about me than I had assumed you'd be. Are you one of those fans who obsessed over and took to heart every interview and discarded show clip they can get their hands on?"

Gulping down you nerves, you hastily waved your hand in a dismissive manner.

"Oh pftt, no. I just.. liked the show a lot, and had some free time to binge its content."

He regarded you with a deadpan expression, as though not fully buying your half truth. But after raising a brow, he seemed content to let the matter sit.

"Well, either way, it's nice to be out of the spotlight for a bit and unwind. I'm still surprised with myself that I gave my number out to a fan, but...l can't say I regret it after this past week. You're entertaining."

" that a compliment? Or should I take offense to being generalized?" You smiled, also picking up a menu to look through.

"Which would you prefer?" He hummed, already seeming to have decided what he wanted, as he folded his menu back up and set it aside.

"I'll take it as a compliment. A compliment from my favorite actor seems nice," you hummed, beginning to loosen up a little more now that conversation had moved along.

Levi only hummed thoughtfully, peering over the top of your menu to see your crinkled eyes as you scanned along the cursive print. Unbeknownst to you, he made sure.

By the time you decided and set the menu aside, a waitress came along to jot down your orders.

Listing off the tea and pastry you desired, you glanced back at Levi, who had yet to speak.

"I'll take the black tea. No sweeteners, please.
Thank you," he said softly, briefly looking up at the waitress with a nod.

The waitress sent him a dazzling smile, loitering by the table a moment longer than was needed, before scurrying off towards the kitchens behind the front counter. With a snort, Levi resumed his attention towards you.

"I have a funny feeling there's not much about me you don't know. Am I right? You seem the type to do your research."
He murmured, propping his chin onto his hand as he leaned ever so slightly closer across the table towards you, with his elbow supporting him on the table top.

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