Healing (Alexia Putellas)

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The world had its questions and you were well aware of the headlines.

Y/N Y/L/N quits football.
Where is Y/N Y/L/N? Here's what we know.
The best in the world has vanished.
If you find Y/N tell her Sarina is looking for her.

The last twelve months had been the hardest in your life. You thought you could prepare for it, that it would easier because you knew it was coming but that wasn't the case. The day it happened was the day your heart broke and as you buried her you knew you were burying part of yourself too.

You left the world speculating as to why you didn't extend your contract with Lyon, why you never signed for another club and more importantly people were wondering where you had disappeared to.

Both your club and country team mates knew about your personal life and the tragedy that happened shortly after the euros.

You missed football, of course you did, but you also needed to take time away to process what had happened. A return date was never set but then the world cup happened. You watched your team mates cry after losing to Spain and you couldn't help but feel partially responsible. The game might have ended differently if you had played.

A decision had been made. It was time to return to the pitch. You had offers before and after the euros. The only question is what teams would still want you?

The sun was setting in Barcelona as the team finished up a late training session. Most of the players stayed behind to take advantage of the free food given they knew once they got home they wouldn't have the energy to cook themselves.

"Lucy your phone is ringing" Ona shouts over to where the English defender is filling her plate.

"Who is it?" Lucy replies.

Ona's face floods with guilt. Almost as if she shouldn't be looking at the phone. This sparks interest of those around her but no one more than Keira who sees the name on the screen.

"Y/N" Lucy all but ran back to table after hearing Keira say your name "is everything ok? Where are you? Yes I'm with Lucy. Before I hand you over promise me that you're ok? Good"

Keira hands over the phone and watches Lucy's face as she tries to figure out why you called and what you are talking about.

"Yes there are people around me. Ok, I'll ask"

When you hang up the phone Lucy does as you ask or at least she makes the first step.

"Alexia" Lucy walks around to where the captain is sat with Mapi and Ingrid "Who would I talk about signing a new player?"

"It's not our job to recruit players but if you know something that might help the club then tell me and I will ask" Alexia wasn't stupid. She heard your name and now Lucy was asking this. It wasn't a coincidence.

"I can't. This is a sensitive subject"

"Vale. Talk to Jona and if he thinks the player is right for the club then he can set up a meeting"

Alexia left the training facility that night thinking of you. You were at the peak of your career, many people considered you the best in the world and if she is being honest she thought you would win the Balon d'Or, not her. That night Alexia watched your highlights for hours, even the ones in the games against her. You really were a once in a generation player which makes it that much harder for Alexia to understand why you walked off the pitch at Wembley and hadn't been seen on one since.

The next day at training the energy felt different. Lucy and Keira had a sense of happiness that their team mates hadn't seen before. They would gather around Lucy's phone but then hide it when somebody came close to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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