United (Alexia Putellas)

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It was a difficult position to be in as a professional footballer with the Spanish nationality. During the euros you experienced first hand the mistreatment of the team and you found yourself on the receiving end of Vilda's frustrations one too many times. You had always considered yourself to be a calm person, never one to lose their cool during a match or when the fans pushed the limits with your personal life, yet this situation led to do one thing you never though you would; you asked not to be call up to represent your country.

You and 14 of your team mates had been dubbed 'LAS 15'.

In the blink of an eye it was June and until this point you had no intention of returning to the team, part of you still doesn't, but one thing or should you say one person, had other thoughts.

"Y/N, think about it" Alexia had just got received the call up, one that you had declined several times but still she insisted that you join her in Australia and New Zealand "This is the World Cup we are talking about, something we have dreamed of since we were kids"

Alexia spoke the truth. Ever since you were young you wanted to win the World Cup; that and the champions league. Barcelona had secured the latter a week prior so now there was only one more trophy in your dream cabinet.

"Alexia it's not that easy for me. I told the world that I wouldn't play for my country until the situation and environment changed. What does it say about me if I go back on everything I have said. I am standing up for our team and the players that come after us, I won't turn my back them because of my own selfish needs. I hate that I'm saying this but I am one of the best footballers in the world, I have a spotlight on me and I will use my voice for good, I won't cower because of that man"

Alexia understood where you were coming from. She had known you since you were 9 years old. You would stand up for the little children that were being picked on regardless of the age or size of their bully. Still, she couldn't help but feel like you were making a dig at her. She may not have been one of the fifteen but she could make a stand instead of going to the World Cup.

"Do you think that's what I'm doing? Being selfish? Cowering to Vilda?"

"God, no"

For the past ten minutes you had been pacing up and down the living room whilst Alexia watched as she sat on the kitchen Island. She knew better than to interrupt you when you were in one of these moods. In a small panic that you had hurt her feelings you stop pacing and go straight to her. You stood between her legs, one hand of either of her thighs and her arms locked behind your neck.

"Ale, you supported us but you weren't one of the 15. I don't want to be a hypocrite"

Jorge and his federation buddies had taken football away from you and you weren't going to let it interfere with your relationship.

"Am I being selfish if I say that I want you there with me?"

"Oh Ale"

She leaned forward so that she could rest her head on your shoulder. She felt a mixture of shyness and embarrassment.

Despite having you by her side since the two of you first joined Barcelona she always told herself that she didn't need anybody. Then as the two of you got older the connection that bonded you both turned out to be more than that of friends and this past year you never left her side, apart from the month you were away for the euros. You went to every physio appointment, stayed back later to workout with her and added her training sessions to your calendar so that you can be there when she second guessed herself. She needed you more than she was willing to admit and she didn't want to go the World Cup without you. She is still yet to play longer than 30 minutes, never mind start a game but with you by her side she knew that anything was possible, the doubt she feels daily didn't exist when you were around.

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