Make It True (Leah Williamson)

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The snow was falling at The Coloney and it's as if everyone turned into children. Snowballs had been thrown, snowmen had been made and the last training session of the year had been one full of games.

As the team gathered in the canteen, the club's Christmas party was on the team's mind. There was no pressure of entertaining sponsors and the higher ups. It was just the players and staff in attendance.

Of all the seats in the room Leah chooses your table which happens to be full so she sits on your knee. It wasn't the first time this has happened so the team didn't bat an eyelid. Your team mates and the fans knew the two of you were close and took the term work wife very seriously.

Like always you and Leah have your own conversation as if no one else is there. Whilst your friends found it cute they also find it a annoying from time to time.

"Y/N" Katie almost sings and you know the tone, she means to cause trouble.

"You look very comfortable there. I'm not sure your girlfriend would appreciate you been so close to our vice captain like that?"

You eyes widen at her accusation. You did not have a girlfriend and you have no idea what would make her think that. Truth is you only had eyes for Leah, it has been that way for years and you honestly don't see it changing.

Then you see the look in the Irish women's eye. She is trying to get one of you to bite and you know that Leah is the easy target.

"Don't" you whisper in the blonde's ear when you feel her tense up on your lap.

You eye Katie giving her a warning but when she smirks you know she isn't done.

"What do you think Meado, will Y/N be bringing her girlfriend?" Katie asks.

There's that word again. One which doesn't have an owner.

"You're seeing someone?" Viv asks.

"It makes sense. You've been very preoccupied lately. You haven't been coming out with us. What's her name? Do we get to meet her? What's she like?" Beth fires question after question and as soon as she is finished with her interrogation Jen starts then Steph.

"It's me" Leah snaps.

All heads turn to the two as you as Leah grabs your hand and wraps it around her waist, your hand now resting on the lower part of her stomach. The placement is a lot more intimate then where it was before.

"You're better at lying then me" she whispers in your ear before kissing your cheek.

At the point you see your friends waiting for your response.

"Looks like the cats out of the bag. Leah is the person I have been spending my time with, if that isn't obvious at this point"

"I knew it!" Caitlyn stands up in victory and asks for some of the team to pay up making it clear that they have made bet on your's and Leah's fake relationship.

The attention soon comes back to the two of you but you tap Leah's tummy telling her to get up.

"We have to go. Have fun gossiping" you tel you team.

Even after you are out the canteen you don't speak to Leah. It is only when you are back in the locker room where you know no one can hear do you make your true feeling known.

"Care to explain?" You tried not to sound mad but the undertone was there and Leah knew it.

When she doesn't answer you know that it must be something deeper than she is willing to let on because she won't look you in the eye.

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