Mornings With You (Leah Williamson)

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It had been late by the time you arrived home. Your flight from Barcelona had been delayed meaning that Leah was long asleep by the time you walked through the door.

Harry Potter was playing on the TV. It told you that Leah went ahead with your planned Wizarding World marathon without you. She was curled up on the sofa, blanket tucked up to her chin with light snores escaping her mouth.

"Hello sunflower" your thumb brushed across her cheek bone.

"I tried to stay awake" Leah didn't open her eyes but she did turn her head to move into your touch.

"I know baby. How about we go to bed?"

The blonde nods her head with little to no energy as she was still half asleep. Leah may have agreed with you but she made no effort to move. You didn't mind though, you scooped her up and carried her bridal style into your bedroom.

Within seconds you were changed and laying in bed with your girlfriend in your arms. These are the moments you missed when you slept alone at night in Barcelona. The scent of Leah's strawberry shampoo lulled you into a sweet slumber.

The next morning you turn onto your side hoping to wrap your arms around Leah's waist only her side of the bed is empty but not cold. Mornings were suppose to be spent in bed, awake or asleep, especially so when you find out that is isn't even 9am.

You close your eyes and listen, maybe she's in the shower and you can join her but you don't hear running water. Instead you hear the soft sound of Fleetwood Mac and mumbles of frustration coming from downstairs.

The music allowed you to enter the kitchen undetected and watch Leah and she tried to work one of your coffee makers. As you inhale you pick up the scent of something sweet but also burning. It doesn't take long to come to the conclusion that Leah's original plan was to make you breakfast.

Her hips sway to the beat as she takes a sip of her tea, nearly dropping the mug as she spins and sees you.

"Good Morning" you tell the blonde who reaches over the kitchen island and kisses you softly on the lips.

"I don't know how you drink this, it's disgusting" Leah takes a sip of your coffee and pulls a face.

"You're really selling it" you take a sip and much to your surprise it isn't that bad. Leah wasn't the best cooks and the lack of skills did affect her coffee making ability especially when she used your machine.

"About breakfast..." Leah didn't want to admit her failure.

"We'll go out for lunch later, don't worry about it" you reassure her.

The two of you talk about what you had been up to since the last time you saw each other. You tell her about the games in Mexico, the ones she asked you not to play in because she wanted you to to rest after the World Cup. Leah fills you in on how her rehab is going and the smile on her face when she tells you that she has a date for grass work melts your heart.

She was happy and for the first time in months you saw the light that died the day she tore her ACL. There were no words you could use to describe how proud you were of her. It had been tough for her to miss the World Cup but she gave you unwavering support regardless. It gave you yet another reason to love her and to want her by side during the good times and the bad. She was your person, that much you are certain off. Leah Williamson was made for you.

"You're staring. What are you looking at?" Leah turns around to look behind her.

"You. You are—no it's not possible" you say with a smirk tugging at your lips.

"What?" Leah's voice cracks whether it be with panic or worry.

"Just give me a second. I need to make sure" you walk around the island and cup her face.

"Y/N what is it?"

"Well I'll be damned" you peck her lips once, twice then three times.

Still Leah was none the wiser.

"You're even more beautiful than the last time I saw you"

Your girlfriend dips her head in embarrassment. She never had been good at taking these kind of compliments whereas you loved knowing that your words had this affect on her.

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