Not While I'm Around (Alessia Russo)

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Through the fake smiles and lies of excitement you could see the nerves slowly consuming Alessia.

The first sign of nerves came when you had stayed over as her new house and woke up to find her looking at some of her old United gear. She played it off by saying she woke up feeling nostalgic and that the upcoming fixture hadn't even come to mind. It was a lie, you and her knew it.

Then each training session came with questions about her former team. How to stop them? What are there weak spots? It almost felt treacherous for the blonde to share her thoughts.

"We're almost there" Alessia says as she looks out the window.

The two of you were sat next to each other on the coach and up until now very little had been said since your departure from St Albans.

"Alessia" you say her name but her gaze remains on the view outside the window "Less, look at me"

She does as you ask and those blue eyes stare back at you. As beautiful as they may be you can just about see the anxiousness behind them.

"I can't. I need to stay focused"

There's no disagreement. You grab her hand, intertwine her fingers with your own and place them on your lap. Words wasn't the only way to reassure someone.

You wished that Alessia had been wrong with her worry about returning to Leigh Sports Village but she wasn't. It seemed the fans were hellbent on making her feel miserable. Every time she touched the ball they booed and every time she missed a shot or got tackled they cheered.

"It's so disrespectful" you say at a drinks break.

"I know. Look at her" Lia points to Alessia who, whilst listening to Jonas' instructions, was scanning the crowd hoping to see any form of hope that not every fan hated her.

There wasn't a lot you could to do about the fans. You hated how loud they were and you could see how much it was affecting Alessia even though she was playing a brilliant game.

It was just before half time when a line is well and truly crossed. Hayley Ladd goes in for a tackle on Alessia. It wasn't necessary and it was a tough one.

"Do you need the medics?" You crouch down next to your girlfriend. Once she shakes your head you are straight in Ladd's face shouting and pushing her. Kim is the one that drags you away before you do something you'll regret.

At half time strategies are discussed but you can't take your eyes of Alessia who sits on the opposite side of the room. She walks back out to the pitch with Stina, unaware that Jonas keeps you behind.

"I can't have you losing your head out there. I know you want to protect her but they will target her now to get to you. I can't have one of my best players getting sent off"

"I will be on by best behaviour" Jonas walks just in front of you but stops when he hears you talking again "Unless they hurt her then good luck trying to stop me"

"Hey blondie" you shout as you take your position.

Alessia turns around.

"How about we get you a goal so they have something to complain about?"

You look to Kim then to Lia who both nod their head. The team wanted a win but having Alessia score against her former team would be icing on the cake.

"I'll try"

And try she did. Alessia made the next 15 minutes hell for the defenders in red. It was fun to watch but not as much as getting involved in it yourself. You decide to push forward a bit more and before you know it you are one on one with Mary. The goal is almost guaranteed to happen given your track record with these situations but then you see Alessia making a run to the left of you and you know you won't be the one on the scoresheet. It was an easy goal, a tap in but Alessia make it look graceful.

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