Christmas Miracle (Alexis Putellas)

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2022 was a rollercoaster of emotions for both you and Alexia. You had immense success with Barcelona despite failing to complete the quadruple. Then Alexia had her injury the day before your first game with England. Whilst the summer was one you will remember for the rest of your life, it is one Alexia wished never happened.

Off the pitch you spent endless hours at media events and photoshoots, luckily you had each to lean on when things became too much.

It was the reason why your final appearance of the year was bearable. FC Barcelona requested that the captains of the female team attend the gala so that they can talk about how the women's game is progressing.

By the time the event ends both of your social batteries are drained and you are ready to go home.

"Tonight has been the best so far" you lean back against the leather seat letting the coldness of the fabric calm you.

"That's because it was our first one where the world knows we are together. We didn't have to hide our love" Alexia rests her head on your shoulder. Her fingers interlock with yours as they lay in your lap.

There were many reasons why the night was a success but none came close the one Alexia said. The summer was a test for many reasons yet despite this your relationship with Alexia grew stronger than ever. Being in a different country when your girlfriend was going through the hardest time of her live didn't stop you from being there for her and Alexia's injury didn't stop her from cheering you on from Barcelona. It was during the final when Alexia asked you if you she could tell the world about the two of you. You obviously said yes having been waiting for her to comfortable enough to do so.

"I got to dance with the most beautiful girl in the world and everyone else had to watch on in envy" you recall the moment in your head, it was one that had never happened before. The music slowed yet you and Alexia stayed on the dance floor as you swayed to the beat. The crowd around you becomes less relevant with every verse that is played.

"We certainly stole the show" Alexia says.

"What's next? We are officially on winter break. I didn't really get an off season due to AMOS cup, I'm ready for a holiday" you ask Alexia knowing that she has been working with your manager, who just so happened to be hers, to make sure you got at least two weeks off. No photoshoots, no interviews, no distractions in the slightest.

"I'm thinking Australia. Me, you, mum and Alba fly out on the 22nd then have an open invite for anyone to join us between Christmas and new year" Alexia used the words thinking loosely. Truth is she has been planning this for a couple of months.

"That sounds like heaven" you dip your head slightly to kiss her temple. A smile dugs at your lips when you feel her relax into your touch.

The two of you sit in comfortable silence as the radio plays a Spanish Christmas song that Alexia seems to know all the words to. You make a mental note to ask her about it later having never heard it before.

You are calm and still in that moment, holding the woman you love but then out the corner of your eye you can see a set of car lights getting closer and closer. You think it is going to stop but when it becomes clear that the driver has no plans to do so, you do what comes naturally. You protect Alexia. You quickly shift in your seat so that your back is against the door. Alexia doesn't have a chance to question the movement as the car is hit.

The force of the impact causes the car to roll but enough times that it remains upright.

All Alexia can hear is ringing through her ears, her vision is blurred but she tries her hardest to come to her senses. She squeezes her eyes shut then focuses on her breathing. When she opens them again everything is back in focus. The sight she saw filled her with panic and struck fear within her.

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