Reunited (Aitana Bonmati)

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Aitana Bonmati would always hold a special place in your heart. As your childhood best friend you would spend every minute of your spare time together, most of that time was spent on the run down pitch that was near the street where you lived. You both dreamt of being professional football players even though back then it seemed highly unlikely.

You loved your life, that was until your parents got a divorce and you had to move to England with your mum. You were 14 years old when you had to leave your old life behind and sadly that included Aitana. A long distance friendship proved too difficult and as time went of the two of you drifted apart and soon the phone calls between you ceased to exist.

When you started playing professionally you made the conscious decision to go by you mother's maiden name, wanting none of your accomplishments to be linked to the man you once called dad.

Almost 10 years later, you made your return to Spain when Atletico Madrid signed you from Arsenal. You missed out on your inaugural season due to an horrific ankle injury sustained in a pre season friendly. Now a year later you are finally making your debut, against none other than Barcelona, against the girl who was once your favourite person.

The game is 65 minutes in when the board goes up, showing your number.

The crowd errupts, despite not yet playing for the club, you were a fan favourite and a lot of people have been waiting to see you play.

"I've never heard the crowd make this much noise for a sub" Patri tells Aitana.

They both look around the pitch and atleti team and even some Barcelona players are giving you a round of applause.

"Even Alexia is joining in" Mapi says now joining in on the conversation.

As if she hears her name been called, the captain walks over to her team mates.

"She is a young kid that they signed last season but she got injured before she could play. From what Lola tells me it was pretty bad and she has been working her butt off to get back on the pitch"

The girls are in shock to Alexia been so nice about an opponent during a game.

"She has also told me that she is a machine, so stay alert"

And just like that their captain was back.

It took minutes for you to ring Lola's word true, you took a shot from outside the box, Sandra only just getting her fingertips to it, sending the ball over the crossbar. Atleti manage to get a goal back from the corner, a pin point header from you.

Barcelona reset but still Aitana watches you celebrate and she recognises the celebration straight away but refuses to believe what she is seeing.

"Y/N" she whispers.

"What?" Patri asks as they get back in position.

"Nothing" Aitana tries to push her thoughts to the back of her head but it doesn't work.

Even whilst playing Aitana keeps her eye on you as she tries to work out it you are in fact her best friend from childhood. She watches your mannerisms and every so often you would do things that brought Aitana back to the pitch all those years ago. The way you would stroke you tummy twice when you were thinking or the way you talked, the voice she hears send her back to her childhood.

The match ends 1-1 and still Aitana fails to break her gaze. Her mind is running a hundred miles an hour.

"Has Aitana got a little crush?" Jenni nudges the small midfielder.

The forwards words fail to register.

"Tana!" Patri all but shouts making her jump.

"What!" Aitana snaps, slightly frustrated that her friends won't leave her be.

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