"Do you even have a ticket? Or a ride to the dance?" Still looking confident, my brother states. "Nope. Are you guys gonna help me or not?" Stiles says "Hell, yeah." While I groan out a "I guess".

〰 ☽ ◯ ☾ 〰

"Nothings wrong. I just have a lot on my mind is all." Allison says from a couple steps from me on the escalator. "You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'? Smile, you guys. I'm buying your dresses."

I roll my eyes. "I still dont think I'm going to go, Lyds." She is only buying me a dress because she still feels guilty for making out with my brother then being a complete bitch about it.

"I have to admit it, as far as apologies go this is pretty good." Lydia smiles in triumph. "But. I am going to ask one more thing." Allison looks at me with an unreadable face. What is she planning?

Upstairs we are met with Stiles standing by the perfume. "Hey Stiles. What are you doing here?" I ask, smiling at my friend as Allison and Lydia come up behind me. "Oh. Um." His eyes drop from me to Allison. Okay... This is weird.

"He is going to be Lyds date." Stiles smiled uncomfortably while both me and Lydia muttered "What" at the same time. Her 'What' sounded more annoyed and pissed off, my 'What' was definitely more sad. "You deserve to go with someone nice. A nice guy. Stiles is the perfect date.." The brunette girl states.

Lydia pulled Allison away from Stiles and I as they started to whisper. "Arch--" I can feel tears starting to form in my eyes so I quickly excuse myself and walk in the opposite direction from the group. I can hear Stiles calling my name as I keep moving through the racks, hiding in case the tears start to fall.

Ten minutes later Lydia finds me looking at a rack of white dresses. "This one would look beautiful on you." She says while holding it up to me. Giving her a small nod I grab the dress. "Archer." She whispers, forcing me to look up at her. "I'm not going with Stiles." I sigh while looking at my best friend. "Allison is right. You deserve to go with someone nice. Go with him Lydia. You'll have fun."

I grab her hand and squeeze it once. "Plus, he is probably over the moon. He's had a crush on you forever." Lydia rolls her eyes. "Fine. But you're going to go too right?"

"I don't have a date, plus I don't think I'll be much fun anyways. I'll probably just bring everyone's mood down." I tell her as she leads me towards the dressing rooms to try on the dress she gave me. "You're my best friend. You have to go please." She starts begging from the other side of the dressing room curtain as I get undressed.

I try on the dress and it's beautiful yet simple, would pair nicely with some nude heels and silver jewelry. I look at myself one more time in the mirror before stepping out to show her.

"Ar. It's perfect! Please. Get that one. We can go all together if you want?" I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Yeah no. Third wheeling is worse than going alone." I hear her huff a little at my attitude as I turn to change back into my clothes.

Once I leave the dressing room Lydia hands me back my phone and my purse. "I'm buying you this one, and you're going to the dance." The strawberry blonde demands.

I groan "Lyds." I start but am cut off by my phone buzzing. I look down at my phone and see that Isaac has texted me. When I open the text thread on my phone I see that he is responding to a text that I did not send.

Me: Are you still free for the dance tonight?

Isaac :) : Of course! :) I have work at the graveyard later, but not until 9.

"Lydia, what the hell! How do you even know my password?!!" She smiles sweetly at me and grabs the dress from my hands. "Now you have to go. Can't cancel on him now, that's just rude." She's walking away and looks over her shoulder. "Oh, and maybe you should change your password to something other than '784537'".

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now