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Archer POV:

"Ouch!" I yell rubbing the side of my head after Scott carelessly threw his shoe at me. "Asshole" I mumble under my breath. I am sitting on Scotts bed while he loses his ever loving shit looking for his phone. "Call it again." he grunts while looking under his bed.

Stiles sighs while hitting the redial button on his phone. "It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" I swallow hard. "We can't afford a new one."

Sitting back on his heels Scott looks to his friend while throwing his arms in the air. "I can't do this alone. I have to find Derek." Offended Stiles scoffs "Well, A. You're not alone, you have me and Ar and B didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead to me."

My brother stands up and starts throwing his pillows and blankets off the bed onto the floor, causing me to fall on my ass on the floor as well.. "Argents plan was to use him to get to the Alpha. They are not going to kill him."

"All right. So then, just let them do what they're planning. They use Derek to find Peter, problem solved." Shaking my head I look at the adorable boy and I explain, "We can't, not if Peter's plan is to go after Allison." Scott looks at me with an appreciative smile "I can't protect her on my own. I need Derek."

My brother is clearly getting more and more upset that me and Stiles aren't helping him look for his phone. "Will you two just please. Help me find my phone." After a second Scott looks at me. "Ar, just give me your phone. You only really talk to me and Stiles anyway." Crossing my arms I just stare at him. "What? No."

Stiles cuts in before Scott can say anything else. "You probably lost it when you were fighting. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior?" Stiles sighs while looking down at me and back up to his best friend. "Can you at least think about letting him die? For me? He has threatened mine and Ars' life multiple times now."

I'm laughing at what Stiles said when a car pulling into the driveway gets my attention. I put my hands up for Stiles to grab them and help me to stand, then walk to the window where I see mom on the phone. "Scott. What's happening? Why is she still sitting in the car still?"

My brother comes over to stand behind me. His face is hard and his mouth turns into a frown. "What is it?" Stiles asks from the desk chair he is perched in. "She's crying"

I look up to Scott with a sad expression, while Stiles comes up and grabs on to my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. "You know you can't protect everyone." He said sadly looking at his friend.

"I have to." Scotts grumbles before turning around and heading down stairs.

〰 ☽ ◯ ☾ 〰

Standing in the hallway with Scott and Stiles we watch as Jackson anxiously asks Allison what time she would like to be picked up for the formal. "Hey don't worry. I'll still be there." Stiles says while throwing an arm over my brother's shoulders.

"What? Why wont Scott be there?" I look over to my brother who has a pained expression. "I-uh. I am-" Stiles cuts him off before he can say anything else. "He is failing three classes and the coach says he can't go if he wants to stay on the team."

Rolling my eyes, my brother speaks up again "I am still going." I furrow my eyebrows at my twin. "Is that such a good idea? I mean, do you even have a date?"

"Not yet."

"Do you have a suit?" Stiles asks.

"Not yet."

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now