Heart Monitor

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Archer POV:

Stiles was at my house early this morning to help me to school. As much as I usually would be happy to have him around 24/7, I am starting to get annoyed with everyone hovering around me. "Stiles, I'm okay. I am just using the crutches because of the bruising for a day or two." Getting dressed this morning wasnt fun but I opted for a flowy dress, cardigan and some converse. "Ar, you jumped in front of a car to save my dad. You're getting my help whether you want it or not." I roll my eyes as he takes my books and bag from me as we walk to class.

I sit down at my desk next to Scott as Stiles places my books on my desk and my bag on the ground. He sits in front of me as my brother tries to talk to him. "Still not talking to me?" He asks the boy in front of me who seems to be ignoring him. "Ar is okay. Just a bruise. She only has crutches for a few days." He pauses for a second giving me a sad look. He sighs before speaking up again "You know I feel really bad about it. I mean, she's my sister." The boy in front of me still says nothing.

Scott looks at his friend miserably. "What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and that I went to Derek for help?" Of course this gets Stiles' attention "If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him." He says sternly. A moment later he speaks up again. "What did he say?"

At lunch my twin thinks that hiding behind an open text book will keep Allison from noticing him. "Scotty, I think the book is making it more obvious. Besides, she is reading anyway." Still ducking behind his book he looks to his bestfriend "So, have you come up with a plan yet?" Nodding his head "I think so."

Grabbing a fry off of Stiles' tray I look at him expectantly waiting to hear his idea. Before he can tell us my brother speaks up again "So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?" After batting my hand away from trying to steal another fry he looks over to my twin "No, but your shit has infiltrated my life, so now i have to do something about it. Plus, I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

Scott is nodding his head while trying to stay concealed behind the textbook. "Yeah, you and Ar can teach me." Smiling Stiles responds "I'll be your Yoda." Leaning over and nugging my brother's side I imitate Yoda "Your Yoda I'll be." My brother gives me a disappointed look, as Stiles is staring at me, mouth slightly open "I love you." He says while I smile brightly. "You're both nerds." Scott cringed. Glaring Stiles gets up "All right, You know what? I definitely still hate you." He grabs the book and rips it from my brother's hand taking away his not so hidden hiding spot and while helping me up to go to our next class.

During free period Stiles drags Scott and I out to the field. Stiles helps me sit on the grass while going over to tie up my brother on the other end and putting the heart monitor he stole from Coach on him (I actually asked to borrow it, but he feels better thinking he's being sneaky). "Coach uses it to monitor heart rate with his phone while he jogs, so you're going to wear it the rest of the day." My brother looks to Stiles then down to the phone. "Why?" He questions. He isn't the smartest guys, give him a break.

The buzz cut haired boy starts walking back over to where I'm sitting while explaining to my brother how it works. "Your heart rate goes up when you go wolf right? When you're playing lacrosse, when you're with Allison, when you get angry... Maybe learning to control it is tied to learning to control your heart rate." He reasons while picking up the lacrosse stick.

My twin makes a face "So like The Incredible Hulk?" Stiles shrugs and responds "Kind of like The Hulk, yeah." Smiling brightly my brother repeats "No. I'm like the Incredible Hulk!" Laughing I look at Stiles "I mean he's not entirely wrong." Stiles looks at me on the ground annoyed. "You, shush." He threatens pointing the stick at me. Scott mumbles about how this isn't how he wants to spend his free period and Stiles gets ready to shoot the ball at him. "Remember, Don't get angry."

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz