The Tell

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Archer POV:
Mom and I agreed we should have a family movie night tonight, so as she and Scotty are making popcorn and setting up the living room to be covered in blankets and pillows just like we used to do as kids, I was sent to the video store. It was Scotts turn to pick and every time he chooses, it's always a horror movie (even though he gets terrified and sleeps on my floor after).

Walking into Video 2*C I see Jackson looking around the store calling for an employee. "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" He called out into the seemingly empty store. Seeing it on the shelf in front of me I grab it and walk over to him. "Hey Jackson. Lydia making you watch The Notebook again?" I tease while hanging him the DVD case. "Sup Ar. Yup. It's the third time this month." He grumbles, rolling his eyes.

Looking around again he furrowed his brows. "Hello, is anybody working here?" He yells walking around the store where a ladder is set up. "Oh fuck." He says backing up into the ladder and making it and the light above it fall. The lights go out and I let out a scream. Looking over to where he is getting up off the floor I make way for him "What's go—" He turns around and grabs me, turning me the other direction. "Don't turn around. He's dead. Let's just go and call the cops." Once we are turned around heading for the door I stop dead in my tracks.

The alpha is five feet from us, growling. "What the hell is that?" he whispers. Before I can answer it charges us. We ran down one of the aisles of movies."Ar, look out!" He yells from behind me but it's too late. The alpha ounces and knocks over a shelf of movies landing directly on me and Jackson.

The shelf has both me and Jackson pinned to the ground. The ledge is pinning the back of his thighs and the front of mine. As the alpha stalks towards us Jackson grabs my hand. The growling is closer to us now and I watch as Jackson's eyes go wide. The dudes an ass but I definitely don't want him to die. It's right above him as its claws scrape the back of his neck. It creeps closer to me. Sniffing the side of my face before running out the window.

Lydia came in and called the sheriff. Jackson and I are now in the back of the ambulance when Sheriff Stilinski comes to talk to us. Jackson is being a douche as usual demanding that he's fine and trying to leave. I on the other hand have a long cut across one of my thighs that has gone straight through my yoga pants but it's not too deep that I need stitches.

Once he lets Jackson leave, he comes to check on me. "You okay, kiddo?" He grabs my hand helping me sit up after they are done examining me and giving me the okay to go home. I give him a small smile and reply "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I lied. Out of the corner of my eye I see Stiles standing by the gurney that's carrying the body we found "Oh, whoa is that a dead body?" Excitement is twinkling in his eyes. God, he looks so hot when he's excited about something. "Stiles!" Sheriff Stilinski yells. "Come here!" Stiles jogs over and sees me sitting on the edge of the ambulance.

"Oh my god. What happened?" He closes the distance between us. "Did you get hurt? Why are you here? What happened? Why didn't you call me? Where is Scott?" Just as I am about to open my mouth to respond to one of the many questions the boy in front of me has asked, Sheriff Stilinski speaks up "Stiles. Drive Melissa's car and take Archer home will you?" Nodding his head up and down "Uh yeah. I- Yeah I will. Come on, Ar." I shimmy off the gurney and hop out of the ambulance, wincing in pain as my feet drop the three feet to the pavement.

"You're hurt. Let me help you." Stiles leans over to pick me up but I push him away. "No. I'm fine. Seriously." I hand him moms keys and start walking (fine limping) away from him to the car. Once I get to the door I see that he is still standing by the ambulance. "Stiles come on." I demand. I am tired, my leg is throbbing and I just want to go home and go to sleep.

On the car ride back to the house I told Stiles everything that happened. The dead body, the alpha, how it scratched Jackson and sniffed me but ran away. "It must have smelled Scott on you right? That's why it left you alone? Because he's part of his pack?" I hum, "Maybe." I am wearing one of Scotts hoodies.

Fur, Fangs and Forbidden Feelings/ S.S Teenwolf rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now